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=== 16. December 2021 ===
=== 06. January 2022 ===

* General
** Most of the team will be on vacations starting from next week
* Infra & Releases
** Re-enable RTA testing for PySide
** was released
** 3.10 CI tests being explored
* Bugs & Features
** PYSIDE-1431 follow up issue related to signal instance comparison (multiple inheritance)
** PYSIDE-1713 discussion on the signal instance implementation
** PYSIDE-229 multiple inheritance issue with signals.
** 1736 QQmlApplication engine load signature issue with raw-strings
** Documenting shiboken examples
** Improve example/documentation processes
** Tutorial on how to debug pyside application from c++ application
** Porting more tutorials (mimetypes, regexp)
** addressing old issues with qtmultimedia and missing handling of methods related to read/write data
=== 09. December 2021 ===
* General
** Bug fixing week
* Infrastructure
** New release for 6.2.2 due to a problem with the help() function ->
** 3.10.0 on Windows CI machines
** Research self-configuration to test PyPy in the future.
** Moving to qt dev branch in pyside dev branch in the following days.
* Bugs and Features
** Porting the audiosource example, exposes some issues on the qt multimedia module
** Porting the regular expression example
** Writing tutorial on how to debug pyside/python/qtcpp
** Fixing PYSIDE-1727 that left 6.2.2 help function unusable
** PyPy progress 66 -> 23 errors
** mypy PYSIDE-1318 was fixed, fixing Signals/Slot stubs, there are still a couple of things to do
** Improving the snippet translation steps, clickable graphs, and documentation in general.
** Refactor documentation generation process, as cmake target
** documenting samplebinding, and scriptableapplication
** PYSIDE-1726 was fixed due to the Vulkan headers being found
** Preparation for 6.3
=== 02. December 2021 ===
* General
** A new developer joined the team :D
* Releases and Infra
** 6.2.2 to be released
*** Little issues with multimedia TBC
** HW issues on macOS, and signing issues on the Windows configurations.
** 3.10 configuration machine still in progress.
* Commercial: we will remove support for Python 2.7 from 5.15.8 on
* Bugs
** documentation resolution 1721 for snippets were broken, a new proposal for directory hierarchy was proposed.
** fixing quick3d issues after this addition.
** stabilizing tests
* Features
** split libpysideqml still in review
** Issues with PyPy, discussing with PyPy devs. Writing ad-hoc debug tool to find more issues.
*** PyObject_dict incompatibility with set attribute directives, an undocumented issue. PyPy tries to mimic CPython behavior in some places, that might "look right" but it's not working.
** Type hinting issues are still in progress
=== 25. November 2021 ===
* Releases and Infra
** 6.2.2 next Tuesday
*** Quick3D and Universal wheels, Shared pointers None story.
** OpenGL issue solved for setup.py wheel creation (cmake builds are affected)
** Research on 3.10.0 on Windows
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1710 problematic to keep compatibility with Python 2
*** wheel tester fails, let us stop testing on python 2
** share smart pointer issues, comparison and nullptr
** 1715 crash is fixed
** gallery tool issue with a jpeg file
* Features
** documentation warnings
** brushing up some opengl code
** creating a libpysideqml
** Continuing with the PyPy issues
==== 18. November 2021 ====
* Releases and Infra
** Issue with ubuntu 20.04 and libOpenGL.so.0 dependency seems to be in the pyside build and not Qt
** Using more cores in the CI now :)
** Apple Silicon story
*** Issues with python provisioning on the CI
** Research on the PyPy CI configuration
** 6.2.2 release at the end of the month
* Bugs
** Shared pointer comparison issue
** Another shared pointer type related issue
* Features
** QmlUncreatable decorator
** Adding Quick3D module (issue with qml registration)
** PyPy changes are getting closer to be fully working.
==== 11. November 2021 ====
* Releases and Infra
** Apple Silicon CI to be ready soon
** Windows CI machines slowness to be addressed
** To enable Python 3.10 in a CI configuration
** Research about adding PyPy as a CI configuration
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1520 (related 1675) handling slots type hints
* Features
** Standard containers
** Properly handling sets between C++ and Python
** Adding new QML references examples and new Decorators (still in research)
** Planning restructuring of libpyside to not be qml dependant
** Move to Python enum: Roadmap is fixed, tests started
** PyPy, finding new things and discuss with the team.
*** Improved the pending failing test by fixing a issue on PyCFunction (99 before, 76 to go)
==== 4. November 2021 ====
* Releases and Infra
** 5.15 commercial LTS problems were solved.
** Apple Silicon wheels still in progress
*** changing the way we provision Python on the CI
** Directory structure for snapshot (internal) installation
* Features
** default expr handling fixes
** memory leak on the keyword arguments handling fixed
** Default templates for containers in progress
** PyPy changes in the progress, learning by doing.
*** Finding new issues on both sides, getting in touch with pypy team
* Bugs
** Issues with the latest MSVC2019 updates are fixed (typedefs)
** Issues found related QSet and set/list transformation
** PYSIDE-1670 singleShot -> single_shot function/property
** Improving the signature module system
** Enums of PySide are still in C++, but they could be moved to Python.
==== 28. October 2021 ====
* Releases and Infra
** CI is under maintenance
** 6.2.1 released
** Commercial LTS 5.15.7 to be released
*** merge from lts to commercial
* Features
** PYSIDE-535: PyPy compatibility, object lifecycles differences with CPython, managed to solve other errors. Removed lld regression. Currently solving Signal&Slots problems. Checking large patches for using pypy as a build target. Py_FromSpect implementation still missing.
** Default function arguments qualifications in progress
** PYSIDE-1666 Container Templates for shiboken
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1669: addPixmap str arguments
** PYSIDE-1675: mypy compatibility, improvement on the error messages for generic types.
** PYSIDE-1670: __feature__: handle properties with function overloads
** PYSIDE-1431: equality check of some signal/instances fails
** PYSIDE-1695: Flags comparison issue
** PYSIDE-1697: Memory leak
==== 21. October 2021 ====
* General
** QtWS Talk: Hybrid Qt Development: boosting your projects with Python https://www.qt.io/qtws21
* Infra & Releases
** 6.2.1 release is coming
** universal wheels might come in later versions.
** Discussion on incremental wheels to install more things on site-packages/PySide6
** Performance issues on the CI were fixed
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1691 Adding Cbor
** Complementation for Opaque Containers
* Features
** PyPy compatibility work continues
** MyPy compatibility work continues
** Add bluetooth scanner example
==== 14. October 2021 ====
* General
** Bug fixing week
** New contributors from Hacktoberfest
* Infra & Releases
** 6.2.1 release is approaching
** We need to setup a new provisioning for Apple Silicon wheels.
** Splitting wheels research.
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1685 Font families
** Addressing flaky tests
** PYSIDE-656 raising exceptions related to mouse events
** PYSIDE-1669 QIcon.addPixmap issue with argument 'str'
* Features
** Implicit conversion in Shiboken
*** Get list of invalid usages from wrappers
*** From 6.3/6.4 enable the option.
** Render control example
** PyPy compatibility work continues
** Improve mypy compatibility will continue
==== 07. October 2021 ====
* General
** Blog post published https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-for-python-release-6.2
** Progress regarding a better cross compilation story
** Apple Silicon wheels needs some testing
** PyPi wheel size issue due to macOS wheels having Universal Binaries and new modules
*** Thinking on how to generate wheels for intel and apple silicon without them being too large.
*** Maybe split the wheels into essential modules
*** Maybe create dependencies groups
** 2 more weeks until we move to use Qt dev on the CI
* Release and Infra
** COIN updates and some speed issues.
** Making bug-fix releases from LTS soon to follow the KDE Qt Free Software agreement.
* Features
** Signal & Slot tutorial to be available in 6.2.1, and hopefully more tutorials
** Refactoring and cleanup on the primitive types.
** Fixing PYSIDE-1673 and PYSIDE-1664
** Add qml reference example
** PYSIDE-535 PyPy development still continues
** PYSIDE-656 old issue found, that's related to PyPy development.
* Bugs
** Signals are missing from the Class documentation in 6.2.1
==== 30. September 2021 ====
* Release and Infra
** We expect a release on time with respect to Qt
** Release blog post almost ready
** M1 wheels are still in progress.
* Features
** Add section to https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_6.2 to highlight features
** built-in types included into shiboken
** adding wstring support in shiboken, extending limited api a bit.
** Integrating PyPy related changes that don't affect Python functionality
* Bugs
** changelog tool using textwrap for better formatting
** adapting examples and other minor revisions.
** Working on Nuitka testing
==== 23. September 2021 ====
* Release and Infra
** Preparation for 6.2
* Features
** PyPy compatibility is still in progress due to unexpected complications.
** WebChannel module is in plus the markdowneditor example
** Built-in types improvements in shiboken
** Cleaning the old suppress messages from the build
** Examples and tutorials were added.
* Bugs
** QSurfaceDataArray issue when handling copies
==== 16. September 2021 ====
* Release & Infra
** Mostly focusing on having 6.2 on time
* Bugs
** 1659 QUiLoader issue with connecting signals based on strings.
** 1660 Taking care of native C++ and Python types in the typesystem
* Features
** Opaque containers improved
** SbkObjectType was removed, and an alias was left to PyObjectType
** PyPy Support: heavy refactoring required for compatibility. Rewrites, and many other fixes.
*** Inheritance seems to be the more problematic bit at the moment (__new__)
==== 09. September 2021 ====
* Releases & Infra
** Commercial LTS 5.15.6 was released yesterday.
** 6.1.3 is already out.
** Some progress on the M1 wheels
* Bugs
** CoAP issue made us discover other flaws in shiboken that are fixed.
** Sanitizing options needs more research.
* Features
** Updates to the docs before 6.2
** Opaque containers still in progress
** Adding new API to be compatible with PyCallable (QThreadPool)
** Progress on the PyPy compatibility effort
** Moving away from distutils to setuptools
==== 02. September 2021 ====
* Releases & Infra
** Commercial LTS 5.15.6 should be out soon
** 6.1.3 should be ready today/tomorrow
** starting migration from distutils to setuptools.
* Bugs
** OpenGL types issues working with macOS now (to test further examples)
** Triaging
** Shiboken issues when snippets and function collection with same names (QCoapClient::disconnect and QObject::disconnect)
** PYSIDE-1646 signature mapping issues with OpenGL types
* Features
** PYSIDE-1650 QAccesibility missing API
** Continue research on opaque containers
** PYSIDE-1436 Continue fixing things towards a full 3.10 compatibility (fixing refcounts)
** PYSIDE-535 PyPy compatibility still in progress (many bugs to be tackled)
==== 26. August 2021 ====
* Releases
** Commercial 5.15.6 LTS is being prepared.
** 6.1.3 might be delay a couple of days due to a couple of high prio bugs that were fixed.
* Bugs
** Fixing the OpenGL issues of missing GL* types
** Removing QtQuick classes that were blocking the CI
** Addressing errors on debug mode.
* Features
** Planning fixes for Nuitka to get a better support.
====19. August 2021 ====
* Bugs
** Various fixes in four patches for Python 3.10
** Bug from 2012 found in shiboken tests after three days debugging Python 3.10
* Features
** Python 3.10 support is totally ready
====12. August 2021====
* Infra & Releases
** Maintenance break
** Still looking into universal binary wheels (some tests failing)
** Preparing new releases.
* Bugs
** Threading/lock issues with QInputDialog and QAbstractSocket
** Stripping down shiboken installation files
* Features
** Moving important new patches from dev to 6.1 (tricky due the changes we have in dev atm)
** Continuing the test of 3.10
** Addressing new pyi issues
====5. August 2021====
* Infra & Releases
** Debug CI builds are still in progress.
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1626 uic switching new minor problem with qApp.
** PYSIDE-1617 memory leaks
** New missing information in some .pyi files
** QInputDialog seems to be failing with threads
* Features
** Cleanups related to cheating macros Py Int/Long checks.
** reconstruction of the features for future work
====29. July 2021====
* Infra & Releases
** Universal binaries still in research
** Some errors were found on the CI debug configuration
** COIN has some network issues.
* Bugs
** Refactoring and small issues.
** feature: fix the UIC switching problem
** Documentation seems outdated in some places, so fix are coming.
* Features
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1605
** Removing signature loader files to integrate them into the module.
====22. July 2021====
* Infrastructure
** Work on OSX11/universal binaries
* Bugs
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1629 QML crash
** Debugging https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1626 (snakecase + uic)
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1625 exec_ regression
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1623 missing docs
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1621 Windows problem fixed by removing temp files
** Debugging memory leaks
* Features
** Research on  https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1605 (directly wrapping C++ containers instead of converting them)
** Prototype/Discuss: Remove signature loader completely from physical FS (6.2 I guess)
* Other
** Fixed up documentation for 6.2
** Fixed overload handling in shiboken due to https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtbase/+/359671
====15. July 2021====
* Infra & Releases
** CI has some issues related to qtbase and Windows
* Bugs
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-535 Issues when transforming Macros to Functions, leaks were found
** Fix memory leaks in shiboken
** QMultiMap and QMultiHash was not properly handle (defaultdict) | behavioral change
*** Before it was a a normal dict, with the last value (all the other values were not preserved)
* Features
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1252 support classmethods in signatures and properties (static methods become properties, and that's the relation with classmethods)
** Adding QtDBus (QPendingReply is missing) and QtNetworkAuth modules
** Tools like qdbusxml2cpp is not supported yet.
** Remote Objects getting some contributions.
** Refreshing QML code and good practices, adding new examples, etc
** WIP qmlRegisterSingletonInstance and research on QML_NAMED_ELEMENT
** Improve docs: icons, style, content.
====08. July 2021====
* Infra & Releases
** Planning next releases.
* Bugs
** 1334 .connect returns now a bool to verify the connection.
** 1613 logging level
** 1618 session manager issue (Qt bug)
** 1619 discussion on accepting the QSettings.value (still in progress)
* Features
** lupdate now has support for Python, and will be available in 6.2 (+ docs)
** adding new API for WebEngine
** gettext tutorial
** pathlib support continues (QUrl)
** PyPy compatibility: still addressing the issues related to the type extensions.
** ApiExtractor: add classmethod attribute to add-function for tr()
** Attempting to expose QtDBus
** Improving docs and tutorials
** Experimenting with python-only modules.
====01. July 2021====
* Infra & Releases
** 6.1.2 ready to go out
** Trying CI debug configuration
* Bugs
** Documentation broken links, and improve Designer tutorials.
** PYSIDE-1609 findChild fixed
** PYSIDE-1370 QSharedMemory fixed
** PYSIDE-131 Translations issues fixed (with the problem that we don't have lupdate support on PySide6)
** QtSensors issues on the CI due to update solved.
* Features
** PYSIDE-535 PyPy Support still on going.
** Adding more missing classes.
** Analysing deployment scenario for PySide applications.
====24. June 2021====
* Feedback from Akademy 2021 sessions
** Tutorials on the Designer process, and other process that might be simple for Qt users, but unknown for Python users.
** More examples on the QML - Python interaction.
** Improve documentation
** Qt Creator support
** Template tool
* Release and Infra
** 6.1.2 coming next week.
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-131 in progress, related to translation with automatic language tools.
* Features
** Trying to address issues related to PyPy (type declaration, and extension structure)
** Add new qml functions (update missing binding)
** Multimedia changes
** WebEngine is partially in the repo.
====17. June 2021====
* Release and Infra
** Commercial LTS release 5.15.5
** New Debug VM setup ready to test
** Testing new architecture to handle universal binaries on M1 machines
* Bugs
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1599 PYSIDE-1599] Issue with .pyi files on the CI (to test them) is now fixed, considering wrong signatures that we had and didn't detect.
** Seems like there is something going on with the --quiet options and log levels.
** Cleaning old bugs that were invalid
* Feature
** Qt6 API adaption
** There are some corner cases with pathlib that need to be documented and fixed.
** Changes to rely on qtpath instead of qmake (from qt6 changes)
** Testing aarch64 and M1 builds
====10. June 2021====
* Release and Infra
** Commercial LTS release 5.15.5 rescheduled for next week.
** Trying to build 6.2, figuring differences between CentOS and RH (ldd issues)
** Discussion to improve commercial offering installation.
* Bugs
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1593 pyi issue (and improvement too)
** Fixing issues related to --/++ operators
* Features
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1499 pathlib support (ready for review)
** Adding many missing classes, enums, etc.
** Adapting QtMultimedia new module and API
** Discussion on Handling native interfaces.
* Events
** Akademy participation (external talk)
** Qt Contributor Summit https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contributors_Summit_2021_-_Program
====03. June 2021====
* Release and Infra
** Qt 6.1.1 scheduled for Friday (might be release next week)
** Commercial LTS 5.15.5 scheduled for the 10th.
** Research on M1 build on the CI
*** Locally it works: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1535
*** Wheels might be affect (universal binaries are too large)
** Debug build on Windows to be tested.
** The possibility of releasing Docker images is being addressed
* Bugs
** Smaller bugs (PYSIDE-1584, PYSIDE-1585 not reproduceable)
** Discussion finished https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1567
** Issues with XML interface to Python https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1588
** Class properties fix and refined code.
** Multi-inheritance still in progress.
* Features
** Small cleanups and fixes
** Added more API (PYSIDE-1586) for qtbase for starters
** Working on native interfaces (PYSIDE-1568)
** pathlib support https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1499
*** File system paths in Qt are supported
** Discussion on new repo structure.
====27. May 2021====
* Release and Infra
** 5.15.5 LTS (Commercial only) release planned.
** 6.1.1 to be release soon.
** Debug build on Windows (using python_d.exe and pass '--debug' when building, and remove the '--limited-api=yes')
** Research: M1 build CI testing
* Features
** Improvements to the general pyi generator, and features.
** pathlib compatibility still in progress
** Shiboken documentation: unused code
* Bugs
** Multiple inheritance issues, when using explicit and implicit calls to parent constructors (super() vs Class)
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1563 (QImage related)
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1573 (QML related)
* Changelog policy
** [Changelog] This class will act like..., to be used for important changes.
* Research
** performance tests
** Tool: report new classes per Qt versions.
** Missing Qt API
** new structure cmake/build
====20. May 2021====
* 6.2 considerations (checking on newly added modules, examples, tests)
* Added textedit example
* Features
** PYSIDE-1415 Make `generate_pyi.py` usable for any binding - checked in
** PYSIDE-1019 __feature__: Support generation of modified .pyi files - done, needs cleanup
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1564 QObject does not support cooperative multiple inheritance
*** working patch written but wrong, the problem is much harder since we need to call __init__ along the MRO and handle keyword args.
** PYSIDE-229 Signal disconnect fails in multiple inheritance situation
*** postponed until the above problem is solved since it voids all debugging done
====13. May 2021====
* No meeting due to holiday
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1566 Designer plugins don't work on macOS - solved & checked in
** PYSIDE-1564 QObject does not support cooperative multiple inheritance
*** Problem isolated, in progress (needs quite some change)
** - Signal's connect/disconnect issues in progress.
* Features
** generic generate_pyi.py - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1415 waiting for check-in
** - PYSIDE-1436 Support Python 3.10 - some progress
** - pathlib in progress - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1499
** - PyPy compatibility stalled - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-535
====06. May 2021====
* Infra & Release
** 6.1 postponed for next Thursday
*** Reverting NumPy integration (made it experimental feature, due to problem with shared library)
*** Qt Designer Plugin (not compatible with Limited API)
*** Update changelog
*** Cherry pick exec related changes.
*** oss/6.1 tqtc/6.1 (to be created)
* Bugs
** PYSIDE-1404 improvements
** Property docs - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1513
** __feature__ at the end - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1548
** Signal's connect/disconnect issues in progress.
* Features
** generic generate_pyi.py - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1415
** pathlib in progress - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1499
** PyPy compatibility in progress - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-535
** Discussion on keyword-support arguments in shiboken - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1555
** Possible adoption of "/" in signatures.
====29. April 2021====
* Infra & Release
** Expected 6.0.4, 6.1, and 5.15.4(LTS) for next week.
** Creating 6.1 soon
*** Enable macOS testing
*** Property documentation
*** Adding glibc version to linux wheel
* Bugs
** Fixing documentation issues
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1425
** New discoveries with https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-229 not so simple (memory related)
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1264 still pending.
* Features
** Refactoring in general (import *) stuff.
** Cleaning and updating tests and examples
** Discussion on https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1380
====22. April 2021====
* Infra & Release
** 6.0.4 release was postponed, but we are on time.
** 6.1 is on track.
*** wheel name to support more than 1 binary for linux.
** Starting to try the new CI macOS machines.
* Bugs
** Minor fixes
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-478
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1409
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-229
* Features
** Numpy QtChart compatibility
** PyPy compatibility https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-535
** Looking into other module compatibilities
** Improve documentation for Property use in QML
** Improve the generate_pyi script
====15. April 2021====
* Infrastructure
** Setting on track the content of OSS and commercial wheels.
** Qt addons distribution will change in 6.1 and 6.2, so we need to keep an eye on that.
** New macOS machines for the CI
* Documentation update process to be improved.
* Bugs
** There were some problems with the default encoding and the doc build process (python version related)
** 1529 fixed, and other issues (QPointF), 1514 QPainter, 1503 QCharts.
* Features
** Improving examples to use new features and refreshing the code base.
** Performance examples to compare C++ and Python
** Reformatting some code base to use f-strings and warning
** New tutorials in progress based on Model View
** Internal Qt Hackathon
*** Focused on integration with matplotlib (Performance discussion)
*** Scripting C++ applications.
====08. April 2021====
* No meeting
====01. April 2021====
* Deployment story
** Add new test for Nuitka (on macOS)
** Update the tutorials, since PyInstaller and cx_Freeze seems to be partially working on Qt6.
** Higher versions from macOS are more restrictive for the bundles that are generated. This leads to new breakage.
* Preparation for 6.0.3 release
* Bug
** PYSIDE-1523 Nuitka compile methods/functions is done
** PYSIDE-1338 Hiding confusing feature frame entries
** Wheel Tester to be improved.
* Features
** pathlib features still in progress.
** Porting more examples to snake_case
** Check snippets_translator tool.
** Make generate_pyi as a generic tool to be merged.
====25. March 2021====
* Infra
** Evaluation to change the wheel names to specify glibc version for 6.1
** CI issues still with macOS
* Features
** Refactoring examples (snake_case)
** Updating deployment docs.
** PYSIDE-1523 Nuitka, support for compiled functions.
** PYSIDE-1415 make the generate_pyi more general
** PYSIDE-1449 pathlib compatibility
** Improvements on the documentation, tutorials, and examples.
** Enabling snippet translator into the doc building process.
* Bugs
** Fix crash from the new Network components.
** Triage and some other fixes.
** PYSIDE-1502 Compiling pyside2 with build target does not result in PySide2 `support` module being installed
** PYSIDE-1524 warning related to sprintf
** PYSIDE-1019 1038 hidden imports, properties, other fixes.
** There seems to be some problems with PyInstaller on macOS
====18. March 2021====
* Infra
** CI has been showing some issues. 12h timeouts for macOS.
** Soon to have 6.1 branch
** Synchronization of the commercial repository with latest Qt.
* Features
** Improving commercial tools.
** Finding issues and getting ideas to improve the docs.
** Using new qttools directory
** Add option to not copy qt tools to the wheel when building.
** pathlib compatibility patch still on-going
** improvements to the documentation, adding 'doc' directory to each example.
* Bugs
** OpenGLFunctions issues (mailing list announcement)
** PYSIDE-1520 Union types
** PYSIDE-1514 Shiboken module movement patches had some issues, which will be fixed
** PYSIDE-1502 Working on improving the __feature__ option to make them safer in diff installation errors.
** PYSIDE-1019 feature import problem (found in PYSIDE-1338) waiting for review
====11. March 2021====
* Infra
** 6.0.2 is out
** 5.15.3 still pending
** Trying to update dependencies for 6.1 (modules)
** auditwheel (research, optional)
** COIN seems to be acting weird, but generally.
* Features
** cleanup snippets and general things in shiboken
** license changes for LTS
** Adding clarifications to the docs.
** Discussion on the proper build processes.
* Bugs
** 1438 Visualization issue
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1516
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1514 shiboken renaming causes an issue for copying files to the wheel.
** Show the __feature__ issues on the traceback.
====5. March 2021====
*General Topics
**6.0.2 release preparations
***Final fix for license checking instructions
***OSS RC1 wheels should be available for testing later today
***Merge from pyside-setup/6.0 into tqtc-pyside-setup/6.0 is pending that final fix
*** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1438 PYSIDE-1438] Crash in Qt DataVisualisation adressed
*** Bug triage, moved several bugs over to Qt
*** Cleanup and improvement of injected code snippets in PySide6
*** Improvements in error handling
====25. February 2021====
*General Topics
**Commercial 5.15.3 release next week.
**6.0.2 release next week.
*Infra updates
**Keep an eye on the next Python releases.
**Documentation for the designer plugin
**shiboken: c++ using directive
**pathlib compatibility support discussion (initial implementation was discarded)
***Trying to discover all the methods that are related to paths.
**cx_Freeze issues in 6.0.0/1
====18. February 2021====
*General Topics
**Commercial LTS 5.15.3 release.
**DeveloperWeek conference talk by Corey: will mention Qt for Python.
*Infra Update
**TBD: Need of a new branch in qt5.git for the lts qt for python release.
**pathlib.Path (soon to be ready) and fspath support (difficult) in pyside
**__feature__ documentation
**Designer patches are done (we still need docs)
**documentation generation fixes.
**shiboken: general refactoring (constructors)
**doc: examples code in tabs
**doc: new ideas for tutorials and vocabulary.
====11. February 2021====
*General topics
**Issues with Pick-to: 5.15
**Discussion about the usage of pathlib
**Reduce linux wheel size by not including .debug files.
*Infra update
**Timeouts in RHEL
**Preparing addons for 6.1
**Fixing many issues related to sphinx, and documentation in general.
**Moving the internal shiboken6.shiboken6.Shiboken to shiboken6.Shiboken 1497
**Will be finish today (Documentation about the __feature__ options) PYSIDE-1481
**(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1019 usage of constructor properties when enabling true_property
**Migration to pathlib in our code, and add support for fspath in our API, https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1499
**Examples gallery embedded into the doc building process.
**Designer patch ready for review.
**Commercial tools on-going (icons discussion)
**(in progress) Error handling in shiboken
====4. February 2021====
*General topics
**6.0.1 release is on its way (the wheels will include the Qt3D modules and the ImageFormat plugins, which were missing in 6.0.0)
**Changelog structure in Qt vs what we have now
**Zombie 5.15 patches to be re-generated or cherry-picked to lts-5.15
*Infra update
**Maintenance update went better.
**COIN update is coming next week.
**(almost done) Shiboken internal namespace renaming.
**(done) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1476
**(done) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1478
**(done) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1487
**(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1481
**M2M Protocols modules rebase
**Shiboken UI rebase
**Custom Widget designer compatibility
**Snippet converter tool
====28. January 2021====
*Infra update
**'dev' we are missing tests on macOS (in progress). Qt5 bin on macOS 11, and running test on 10.15/13
**trying to build pyside on a custom Qt (with plugins/addons) oss and commercial
**Due to the shiboken module naming issue
***(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1481 __feature__ documentation
***(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1476 PySide Property declaration creates properties with the setter name of the function
***(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1347 constructors info in the stubs (other issues appeared)
***All the future fix related to stubs rely on the change
***there might be some issues with relying only on the install dir and not build.
**refactoring shiboken
**statmachine module rebirth
**designer patches to include custom widgets.
**enabling clang_options on shiboken
*Branching story
**lts-5.15 issues
***Fix pyside-setup/5.15 and do all the merges     (done)                                        
***Merge pyside-setup/5.15 into tqtc-pyside-setup/5.15    (done)                                        
***Create tqtc-pyside-setup/lts-5.15 from pyside-setup/5.15
***Close pyside-setup/5.15 Make the Pick-to bot merge from Pick-to: 5.15 -> tqtc/lts-5.15
***create tqtc/dev from oss/dev
***move manually the patches that added things for the commercial offering into tqtc/dev (shiboken ui, m2m protocols modules)
**Process to fix bugs
***push to oss/dev Pickt-to: 5.15 (this will go to lts-5.15)
***before release we push oss/dev to tqtc/dev
====21. January 2021====
*Infra update
**'dev' branch seems to be the only broken (maybe 5.15)
**Provisioning is affected
**need to create lts-5.15 branch for commercial releases
**WinRT is broken (at a Qt/CI level)
*Bug fixes
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1458 Discussion about macOS symlinks
**(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1481 __feature__ documentation
**(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1476 PySide Property declaration creates properties with the setter name of the function
**(in progress) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1347 constructors info in the stubs (other issues appeared)
**Rename internal shiboken import: 'from shiboken6 import shiboken6 as Shiboken' -> 'from shiboken6 import Shiboken'
***Both options in 6.1,
***Only 'from shiboken6 import Shiboken' from 6.2 on.
**Designer plugin: set environment in the launcher script (instead of the rpath option)
**Removing extra QtCharts namespace (it  was removed in Qt) -> QtDataVisualization?
***Externals helping the migration process.
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1477 clang options for shiboken cross build
*Starting work on new tutorials and applications (Data Science and visualization)
====14. January 2021====
*Qt Bug fixing week
*Infra update
**Missing 5.15 merge to tqtc
*Bug fixes
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1470 fixed
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1347 in progress
**Contacting people at other IDEs groups to provide a better PySide support. (to create a user story)
**NumPy support to accept numpy.array as 'some' Qt types
**Designer plugin works continues (needs libshiboken) https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1455
*Webinar ideas
**__feature__ and Python properties
**Interaction with other modules
====7. January 2021====
*Infra update
**libclang install fixes (issues related to 6.0 and 10.0)
***from the MSVC update, we require 10.0 for 5.15 and 6.0
*Bug fixes
**PYSIDE-1447 qapp flag
**PYSIDE-1463 snake_case init issue
**PYSIDE-1470 shiboken delete qapp
**PYSIDE-79 reopened due to a leak introduced by the fix to PYSIDE-68
**Possible research PYSIDE-163
**Refactoring shiboken
**PYSIDE-1455 designer plugin
**Snippets translators
**Deployment story for PySide6

*[[Qt for Python Development Notes 2021]]

Revision as of 08:27, 6 January 2022