Qt for Python Development Notes: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Qt for Python]]
[[Category:Qt for Python]]

===26. October 2023===
=== 19. December 2024 ===
* General
* General
** Qt World Summit approaching https://www.qt.io/qt-world-summit-2023
** We have reached 1 million downloads last month!!! Thanks everyone!
** PyConUS website and CfP was announced.
** Team going on holiday break, back on the second week of January.
** 7th of January we will have a Maintenance Break
* Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
** Releases planned for November
** Adding 3.13 to our CI configuration (Ubuntu 24.04) - in progress
** qtpip will have an independent release cycle
** Linking issue on macOS duplicating files.
** To request extensions for PySide6_Essentials(20G) and PySide6_Addons (30G)
* Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
** PEP 697 works continues: hidden structures in our extension types.
** PYSIDE-1057 Memory leak was fixed.
*** There is an in place implementation, helping with speed, but the rules are tighter for the rest of the code. Single remaining QML problem is bug_825 (segfault).
** [Qt] 6.9 translation and API review
** QThread Pool Executor implementation on QtAsyncio finally working, but another issue popped-up. Further debugging is required to address it.
** Fixing flake8 issues in our tests
** PYSIDE-2492 uic not writing qualified enums. Changes were pushed to Designer.
** Continue moving our code to fully qualify enums
** Issues with the not-recommended loadUI function
** Doc: improvements on module pages
** qtpip improvements for uninstall mechanism
** qtpip: still figuring out a build/packaging issue.
*** Should PySide2 be handled?
** Add QPdfOutputIntent missing binding
*** Download dependencies improvements.
** Some discussion about other missing bindings, that ended up being private API.
** PYSIDE-2367 signal disconnect issue with threads, was solved.
** PYSIDE-2966 QScroller crash needs to be fixed (C++ example works, so it might be in our side)
** PYSIDE-2342 create function for singleton decorator request, many issues arise on the first PoC
** WebView support for macOS (missing from the wheels)
** PYSIDE-2505 kdockwidgets issue
** qtpip: add --staging option! (some tweaking before it merged)
** Catching up with 6.7 current version.
** boot2qt: Doing new research to provide more tutorials. Checking QtCreator and Vscode compatibility ideas.
** Re-factoring the multiple inheritance implementation.
** QML Next: new demo shared internally
** QML Project structure discussion.
** Folding manager (binary size) development continues.
** New wheels in the making, for examples and DS
** Trying to figure out the real motivation behind invalidate-after-use in shiboken
=== 12. December 2024 ===

===19. October 2023===
* General
* General
** Artifacts with the blog and text size
** Next week is the last before holiday break
** QtWS approaching. Activities and talks planned :D
** Roadmap for 2025
** RemoteObjects work in progress
*** Approach: Maintenance + Feature (as a twofold OKR)
* Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
** 6.6.0 was released
** 6.5.8 has been ready for a couple of days, it will available to install this week.
** 6.2.10 to be released soon
** qtpip to be release today
* Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
** Extra fields into the type area (hidden elements) is officially supported for 3.12, but not for the Limited API.
** DS patches still in progress
*** The idea is to enable the PyPy compatibility in a different way.
** Adding new tests for the pyside6-deploy cases
** Planned work to continue with lazy imports.
** PYSIDE-2946 smart pointer crash
** Fix sizeof struct issue (for 3.12)
** PYSIDE-2948 state machine crash
** First attempts to provide bindings for Rhi
** QPyS - API check and improvements
** PYSIDE-2487 disconnect special cases were reported (@Slot should always be used)
** PYSIDE-Docs: addressing a few small issues on the module main page
** PYSIDE-2492 Type warnings from uic, related to Enums
** PYSIDE-2955 memory leak (it was in qt/cpp at the end)
** Signature of Signals issues
** PYSIDE-1057 signal sender memory leak
** qtpip changes:
** testing wheel script updated for addons wheels
*** fulluninstall to include m2m wheel
** missing bindings script was updated for a couple of compatibilities issues on versions and comparisons with pyqt
*** OSS wheel detection
** qtpip work continues (a known issue with openssl on windows, and a linking issue on macOS)
*** download conf file always
** Examples: more changes for the grid, and adding documentation to a few ones that didn't have any.
** ThreadPoolExecutor with asyncio research
** QML Next: some research on an initial approach.
** Locale macOS issue was solved
** Boot2Qt tutorial being worked on
** Improvements to the deployment tool (android)
** PYSIDE-2701: reduction of the binary sizes still in progress
** examples wheel in the making
*** code snippets as functions to avoid adding all the code many times
** improvements to the cross compilation story
*** folding by similarity after extraction of parameters
** Refactoring some of the build scripts in order to move away from the current setuptools override.

===12. October 2023===
=== 5. December 2024 ===

* General
* General
** Overview release process.
** Vacation season will start. Expect people being ooo in the following weeks.
** PyConES talk was a succeed! Thanks Adrian
* Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
** 6.6 release has been facing some difficulties, two major bugs were found and fixes.
** 6.5.8 to be released soon.
*** Currently there is a refcount issue that made wheels not-usable in 3.12
** 6.8.1 was released early this week.
** 6.2.10 Commercial LTS will be release in the following days.
** qtpip has been having many issues on the CI (but locally works)
* Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2480 PYSIDE-2480] linker error was fixed
** planning a couple of features for qtpip (staging option)
** Static code analysis issues on source and generated code were fixed
** improving the example documentation (moving around the grid)
** Started a refactor of the QML registration code
** android-deployment-tool (to automatically update NDK)
** Mock based tests for Android deployment revealed bugs. Fixed them.
** PYSIDE-2939 Fixing the MessageBox typing issue (removal of duplicated signatures)
** PYSIDE-2485 - Crash in QLocale::bcp47Name. Under Investigation.
** PYSIDE-2941 Fixing issue of the Optional returns in some
** Fixed a bug with QtAsyncio where closing a program with the close button would throw ugly errors.
** PYSIDE-2541 Typing inference of QmlElement in the works
** Wheel size reduction still in progress.
** Multimedia player issue on Windows was solved (slider)
** Webengine issue with spamming the same URL in a short period (it might be an underlying Qt issue)
*** We might need to update our browser examples.
** Missing bindings script was missing a few modules types.
** PYSIDE-2936 Issue with QtDBus
** Python Scripting continues (bindings)
** New releases
** Python 3.8 leftover code was removed on dev
** PYSIDE-2946 crash on smart pointers with classes depending on each other.
** pyside6-project patches ready for review, and working on further DS issues.
=== 28. November 2024 ===

===5. October 2023===
* General
* General
** Team member on his way to PyCon Spain 2023 https://charlas.2023.es.pycon.org/pycones-2023/talk/NCJBTE/
** Qt Greece meetup!
** New nuitka release (3.13 compat), it's already merged. A few PySide mentions in their changelog.
** Discussion on new icons for our documentation.
* Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
** 6.5.3 is being released today.
** 6.8.1 planned for tomorrow.
** Commercial LTS 6.2.10 release to be prepared
** 6.5.8 commercial LTS will be released in the second half of December
** Team alignment on the release of Maintenance Tool/Account/qtpip/aarch64
** Bump CI configuration to drop 3.7, due to 6.6 being 3.8+
** Static qtpip build issues on-going
* Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
** Fix chart example issue
** Working on improving the examples grid and tutorial integration.
** Continue research on Python scripting on C++
** Typing issues work is done (a few ones left only)
** PYSIDE-2462 Smart pointer fix
** Size reduction effort was restarted.
** PYSIDE-2230 Python 3.12 support issue for unicode, and other findings for macOS
** Function parameter names in the documentation.
** PYSIDE-2080 Linking error was fixed
** Override caching speedup research
** Qt 6.7 adapting the API on dev
** QtCreator plugin (QtPythonScripting)
** 3.12 pending issues are being investigated
** Translations
*** tp_dict field was modified (no longer guarantee to exist) moved to an interpreter state for some static types.
** Updating missing bindings tool
*** [https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/type.html?highlight=pytype_getdict#c.PyType_GetDict PyType_GetDict] was introduced, and it's not Stable API (on Windows is not exposed)
** Testing wheels for new releases.
*** Risky status for to the Limited API (without a tp_dict access) -> an emulator was written, PepType_GetDict, so user types the tp_dict is still around. The rule is that if tp_dict is 0, we create a new one.
** Discussion on missing bindings.
*** Enum problems were found a well, but they are now fixed.
** Continue the work on the DS integration.
** Two new examples adapted for Android (and Python)
** Discussion on adding more features to the official Qt plugin for VSCode
** General fixes related to android-deployment of Python applications.
** Starting the request permission API research on macOS
=== 21. November 2024 ===

===28. September 2023===
* General
* General
** OKRs updates
** Feedback for the VSCode extension
** Doc update: 6.6 was branched so the snapshots are updated (needs check)
** Gathering a few ideas to smooth the functionality of the Python integration on QtCreator
** Qt Academy: Python course in the making.
** Qt Creator
*** Welcome screen doesn't have any Python examples.
*** API docs are missing and example docs as well.
** Windows 11 added a new feature (Dev Drive) on the FS that might improve compile times.
** GNU Health Con 2023 participation.
* Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
** 6.5.3 wheels are ready to be tested. Available next week.
** 6.8.1 to be release on the 29th of November
** 6.2.10 Commercial LTS in preparation, and re-scheduled.
** Testing Multimedia issues with plugins introduced in 6.8.1
** Team alignment on the release of Maintenance Tool/Account/qtpip
** Commercial wheels have a couple of unnecesary files. A report will be filed.
** aarch64 wheels discussion on distribution
** Maybe Qt for Python could be inside the Qt tree in the installer
** Bump CI configuration to drop 3.7, due to 6.6 being 3.8+
* Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
** Preparation of PyConES presentation: https://charlas.2023.es.pycon.org/pycones-2023/talk/NCJBTE/
** Positional only parameters support was missing from the .pyi files and it's implemented now.
** Async: Issue with executors, that have sync tasks. 3.11 has a special treatment.
** Property generation from the feature was missing from the .pyi files as well.
** Directory structure in projects needs some rules people can follow.
** Added numpy support for QtGraph (issues with the submodule update, Unity)
** PYSIDE-2462: New report regarding shiboken advanced usage.
** New example from QtGraph was ported.
** Fixing integrations and the cherry pick bot (auto pick was misbehave for pyside-setup) - still in discussion
** Flatpak app now supports 6.8
** Python 3.12 still have some issues for the Feature option of the PyTypeObject
** Android deploy windows support - in progress
** Code analysis on pyside-setup: missing move copy constructors.
** research on Nuitka 2.5.1 update
** Fixed a couple of QML tests crashes
** Deployment for Design Studio work continues.
** Testing android deployment tool (revamping some examples, like multimedia, permission, etc)
** Python Scripting plugin for QtCreator was updated (research)
** Python Scripting now has documentation!
** PYSIDE-2916 Performance issues were addressed and we reached the same as PyQt
** qDebug functions fixes (variable names) - from forum question
** PYSIDE-2927 Broken build in yocto - submodule update revision.
** Tutorials revision
*** Add tag to examples to group them into a category
*** Move tutorials to the examples to maintain them better.
*** Add information on the tutorials to find the previous/next steps

===21. September 2023===
=== 14. November 2024 ===

* General
**Python 3.12.0rc3 is out, final release scheduled for October 2
** Keynote at PyCon Sweden
*Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
**6.6 branched
** 6.8.1 preparations
**6.5.3 preparations
* Bugs & Features
*Bugs & Features
** Fixed deployment of QtWebView and Quick styles
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2465 PYSIDE-2465] (3.11.5 test fail)
** Research on memory leaks in signal handling
**Work on [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2462 PYSIDE-2462] (smart pointer features)
** Continued work on QtPythonScripting
**Refactored options parsing of shiboken
** Trying to add pyside6-android-deploy for Windows
**Fixed clang-tidy static analysis issues
** Ported example zoomlinechart
**Android permissions API: Adapt more C++ examples
** Solved PYSIDE-2624: Position Only parameters.  
**Couple more cleanups and additions to pyside6-android-deploy
*** A trivial change with quite some consequences on mypy-correctness.
**More manual testing of pyside6-android-deploy. Need to write more integration (mocks) for Android deployment.
** PYSIDE-1019: mypy support for properties in __init__ functions almost ready.  
**Final cleanup and resolving tests for python-for-android Qt for Python patch
*** This is a quite forgotten feature older than __feature__ that will be revived.
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2468 PYSIDE-2468] -requestPermission() on macOS. Tricky scenario similar to [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2419 PYSIDE-2419]
**asyncio's requirement to use ThreadPoolExecutor keeps screwing us over, but resolution close

===14. September 2023===
=== 7. November 2024 ===

*Infra & Releases
* General
**Testing and fixing qtpip for commercial wheels
** QML next following up.
*Bugs & Features
** New hire joined the team!
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2460 PYSIDE-2460] Work on some OpenGL issues, updated hellogl2 example
* Infra & Releases
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2461 PYSIDE-2461] Build system for cross build fixes
** 5.15.18 commercial LTS was released last Monday.
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2463 PYSIDE-2463] Fixed some type hints
** CI Maintenance break coming (Monday)
**Android auto sdk and nkd download merged.
** RC for 6.8.1 on Monday to test.
**Requestpermission API and all android changes set for 6.6 merged. Will write tests in the meantime and do some manual testing with deploying apps.
** Linux on ARM is now built on Ubuntu 24.04
**patchelf removal for Qfp binaries merged.
* Bugs & Features
** __all__ new amend due to an improvement idea.
** rich comparison operators support for the type hints.
** QWebEngineDesktopMediaRequest issue
** Qt Python Scripting: add support for shared pointers and solving refcount issues
** Designer planned improvements for the VScode extension
** Qt Python Scripting: Looking at containers
** Working on performance issues when overloading virtual functions
*** Remarks on caching the whole method, they might cause issues.
** doc fixes: references and links were needed.
** On-boarding and catching up with the project
** Looking at a new examples to be ported
** QtCreator issue when setting it up with MSVC
** Cleaning up some old compatibility code (Python 2 times)
** Improvements on the macro/function usage for the Limited API compatibility.

===07. September 2023===
=== 31. October 2024 ===

* General
**Majority of the team on holiday
** Bug Fixing week
*Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
**Preparing 6.2.10, 6.5.3, 6.6.0
** 5.15 integration was solved (Python 2 related) - 5.15.18 commercial LTS will be soon available.
*Bugs & Features
** Closing a few CI related bugs.
**PYSIDE-2393 pytest problem with feature is fixed
** Debian 11 ARM configuration replaced by ubuntu 24.04
**PYSIDE-2428 feature problem caused long search, has to be fixed in matplotlib
** Qt 6.8.1 by the end of next month
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2444 PYSIDE-2444] QState.assignProperty - incorrect type annotation
** SBOM changes will land in our repositories at some point
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2454 PYSIDE-2454] Default argument is not used for containers
* Bugs & Features
**Added some number protocol slots [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2446 PYSIDE-2446]
** Documentation improvements (nesting inner classes into some modules)
**Research on submodules [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2447 PYSIDE-2447]
** doc: Adding a ad-hoc hack with a fake headline in order to get good search results
**qtpip for commercial wheels polishing touches
** QPyS: Adapting for shared pointer
** Fixing the __all__ re-definition that we have in our PySide6/__init__.py
** Windows Debug Builds are showing a few issues

===31. August 2023===
=== 24. October 2024 ===

* General
**Python 3.11.5 released
** Planning to make QtPythonScripting out.
**PyCon Spain talk was accepted - Adrian giving a talk for the new Async story, in October.
** QMLNext planning continues.
**People on leave in September
* Infra & Releases
**FF on Qt for Python overview
** might go out soon considering the last issues that were discovered. Also to include the fix for the directory that made it incompatible with qtpip.
*Infra & Releases
** 5.15.18 Commercial LTS will be released by the end of the month
**Planning 6.6 for the last days of September
* Bugs & Features
***Maintenance Tool update for qt for python
** New maps demo is working.
***Features until 12.09
** Multimedia: Now we are using the plugins from the CI provisioning.
****Feature issues + multiple inheritance
** Reproducible builds for yocto.
****Async story needs some testing
** 6.8.0 regression from the re-write of the signal&slot mechanism.
****Android patches (new modules, plugins, permissions, etc)
** 'QPyS' (QtPythonScripting) work continues.
****qtpip for commercial wheels
*** Ownership will not be an issue, because objects will live in C++.
****new QtCreator templates?
*** smart pointers support are required for a QtC integration
**6.2.10 Commercial LTS and 6.5.3
*** From lua: they do have a way of use different pointers for the variables.
*Bugs & Features
*** be careful with dynamic_cast
**Lazy imports still in progress, might be available for 6.7
*** A sub-set of classes are exposed to lua only, so we might follow a similar approach.
**QmlSingleton crash was fixed
*** Documentation is being updated
**JIRA was cleaned a bit, many invalid issues
** Updates to the new tutorials (PySide + other Python modules)
**Signal signatures were adjusted
** qtpip research on a staging option
**PYSIDE-748 additional parameter metamethod (old issue)
** VSCode extension: discussions on the PySide integration for the recently announced addon.
**QDataStream read/write data accepting bytes too
** PYSIDE-2895 __all__ reproducible builds for Yocto
**New CMake Qt API has lots of features for qml, resources, etc which might not be too compatible with Qt for Python.
** PYSIDE-2903 issues with '# type:' in the stubs
**PYSIDE-2429 macOS deployment min version fixed
** PYSIDE-2846 Adding documentation for the mypy support
**patchelf removal is ready to merge (motivated by android research)
**android: permission API, need some extra testing. Soon ready for review.
**QIODevice buffer object issue was fixed, and is waiting for review (motivated by the async story)
**qtpip development continues.

===24. August 2023===
=== 17. October 2024 ===
* General
** is fully compatible with Python 3.13.0, but the meta info of the wheels was wrong.
** New intern joined the company, and will be helping with QtDS + Qt for Python integration
* Infra & Releases
** PySide 6.5.7 (commercial LTS) and 6.8.0 ( were released
** 6.4.0 release was removed from PyPI (due to the existence of
** qtpip 0.1.4 was released
** Maintenance break in our CI: a few security changes were applied and we have new restrictions regarding the installation of other repositories
** New limits will be requested to PyPI
** Symbolic links in the macOS wheels are being copied a couple of times and not preserved.
** libclang in our provisioning increased size, so we need to double check the wheel size.
** Multimedia plugins on Windows are being copied to the wheel, they might be copied from install directly.
* Bugs & Features
** Finished the mypy checks and adding tests, hopefully merged soon.
*** in-place asymmetry seems to be an issue with some signatures.
** PYSIDE-2891 32bit builds where broken, even if they are not supported it was addressed
** PYSIDE-2893 6.8.0 doc regression was fixed
** PYSIDE-2804 Custom enumerations in Qt Designer (not possible)
** Qt 6.9 adaption in progress
** OpenStreetMap demo being ported
** Qt Scripting polishing a bit further
** PYSIDE-2835 closed issue wrt sql+nuitka that broke after a new nuitka release.
** Continue work on the Finances tutorial
** pyside6-deploy command line simplification in progress

=== 10. October 2024===
**New board on JIRA to reflect our work clearly https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=262&view=planning.nodetail&issueLimit=100
* General
**Qt Meetups are starting to popup in Berlin and other countries! we might join some of them.
* Infra & Releases
**Discussions around improving the Qt Creator experience and UI creation in general.
** Preparing 6.8
**There has been some motivation from Qt/C++ to use more CMake in projects (like for resources), which is negatively affecting the Python projects, due to the lack of CMake in the Python projects.
** Preparing 6.5.7
*Infra & Releases
* Bugs & Features
**Commercial LTS 5.15.15 to be released soon.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2885 PYSIDE-2885] Fix build against  read-only Qt
**6.5.3 scheduled for the first week of September
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2883 PYSIDE-2883] Fix incomplete/undocumented QtWebEngine API
*Bugs & Features
** Last minute fixes for 6.8, new QtWebEngine API
**QIODevice::read(char*, qint64) functions are removed, but they are useful for the asyncio story. Discussion on if it's worth exposing them.
** Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
**More changes related to QtAsyncIO are ready for review.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2850 PYSIDE-2850] More work on the Finance Manager Tutorial
**PYSIDE-2417 overflow issue was fixed
** pyside6-android-deploy fix for 6.8.0, and adding a new option to cross-compile tool to just download Android NDK and SDK.
**[ot] i18n in the Qt framework
** Update pyside6-android-deploy documentaion.
**PYSIDE-2418 connection issue with python overloads
**6.6 documentation has some issues due to the QtGraph new module
**PYSIDE-2423 connecting signals to python callable doesn't properly work - trying to find a proper solution
**PYSIDE-2424 Installing shiboken in a non-standard way discussion - it might not be properly fixed.
**Next Wednesday 10am: session about Shiboken + QtScrypt status
**PYSIDE-2419 locale issue on macOS due to the Info.plist that python includes that overrides the QLocale settings. A bug report was filed upstream, and a workaround is suggested.
**PYSIDE-2421 webengine issue was discussed, it's an Qt/C++ chromium issue.
**CMake FindPython patches are still being worked out, the wrong interpreter is being found.
**patchelf removal is causing some issues with cross compilation.
**qtpip works continues.

===17. August 2023===
=== 3. October 2024===
* General
* Infra & Releases
** Preparing for 6.8
* Bugs & Features
** Various documentation fixes
** Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
** Porting further C++ demos
** pyside6-deploy support for design studio
** qtpip support for Android wheels
** Update flatpak baseapp to 6.7.3

=== 26. September 2024===

*Bugs & Features
* General
**Investigating on PyPySide MI segfault postponed but on To-Do list [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1991 PYSIDE-1991]
** Python Scripting: We might need to figure out ownership in order to embed into other C++ apps.
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2404 PYSIDE-2404] More Progress in Lazy Initialization
** DS integration: workaround to deploy with the following version (with no other python files) but there has been work on improving it for the next release.
***the optional __getattr__ in module objects was successfully implemented (but is seldom used)
** Intern starting on Oct 1st
***lazy init of Enums is probably no more needed, covered by the import scheme below
* Infra & Releases
***most common cases like "from PySide6.QtWidgets import QLabel" supported by another __import__ override
** Preparing 6.7.3 (waiting for qt release)
***Keep your fingers crossed, testing starts today
** Commercial LTS 6.5.7 to be released soon (changelog pending to be merged)
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2419 PYSIDE-2419] QLocale::language() returns wrong on macOS.
** qtpip 0.1.3 to be released soon.
***Caused by QLocale infrastructure which looks at Info.plist inside the Python interpreter macOS bundle.
* Bugs & Features
***Working on a hack fix after consulting Tor Arne and Eddy.
** Updating and completing documentation
**Pacthelf removal - cross compilation breaks. Working on a fix.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2870 PYSIDE-2870] fixed (QStateMachine.postEvent causes a crash)
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2421 PYSIDE-2421] - QWebEngineView.print() - rerouted to Qt
** Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
***But, might requires an ownership fix in Shiboken once [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-116052 QTBUG-116052] is resolved
** pyside6-deploy changes for QtDS projects + corresponding changes in upcoming DS releases (needs work by DS team)- https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/592554
**Research - use the .debug files provided by the Qt installer to debug from VSCode.
** qtpip adaptation for newer pip versions + commercial wheel preference over lts wheels
***Saves time from not building Qt everytime
** Finance Manager Tutorial - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/592131
***Still ongoing
** Type hints: Analysis for multi-signature problem (overloads). 600 errors -> 46 ! (from mypy)
**QtAsyncio: Implementation of asyncio.Server (one open question remains - asyncio API and Qt API don't always match as cleanly as desirable).
*** override: inheritance issue with specific fields
*** overload/overlap: diff return types
*** some dunder methods might need special treatment.

===10. August 2023===
=== 19. September 2024===

* General
** Promoting the idea of writing Python plugins for Qt/C++ interfaces.
*Infra & Releases
*** we most probably rely on libshiboken for having consistency in the PythonScripting module and PySide
** Participation in Meeting C++
*Bugs & Features
** PyCon Sweden participation
**Patchelf removal only partially possible because of using patchelf on prebuilt Qt binaries.
* Infra & Releases
***For Qfp binaries patchelf removal under review. MacOS issue being fixed. This is needed for Android.
** 6.2.13 Commercial LTS was released
**Shiboken module cmake installation bug fixed.
** qtpip update to be release in order to fix a few wheel names issues.
**Progressing with Android C++ to Python callback, now that Qfp binaries could be loaded on startup.
** Preparing for 6.8.0, and 6.7.3
**Further investigating on PyPySide MI segfault [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1991 PYSIDE-1991]
** PySide6_DS 4.6 by the end of September
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2404 PYSIDE-2404] Progress in Lazy Initialization
* Bugs & Features
***the new dual registration is done and builds the base for concrete lazy init
** PYSIDE-2839 type hints for custom signals
***lazy init of Enums postponed because
** PYSIDE-2846 Fixing a lot of type errors from examples and tests
***an undocumented optional __getattr__ in module objects makes it much easier to lazy-load whole classes, first.
*** Currently on one of the last big issues related to overloads, optional unions, false-positives
** 6.7.3, 6.8.0 changelogs
** Python 3.13 checks and fixing compatibilities
** Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
** PYSIDE-2863 lupdate issue
** PYSIDE-2845 snake_case conflict with C++ API
** Fixing examples deprecations
** Updating generated UI files
** Working on a new tutorial to mix PySide with other Python modules
** qtpip fixing resolution for naming and JSON new structure
** QMLNext research continues

===3. August 2023===
=== 12. September 2024===
* General
** Team back from Qt Contributor summit
* Infra & Releases
** Preparing 6.7.3
** Preparing 6.2.13
** Starting to switch to 6.8
* Bugs & Features
** Release Notes in documentation change read. Could be targeted for 6.8.
** Currently working on a QtQuick Finance-Manager tutorial using PySide6 as frontend, and FastApi + Pydantic + SqlAlchemy as backend. This will be a 4 part tutorial with each part extending the previous one.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2846 PYSIDE-2846] - towards MyPy testing of type hints
*** Good progress in different error categories. Crucial was to make defaults hashable.
*** First removal of duplications was quite effective. More difficult removals are "same type, different variable name" etc.
*** Overlapping signatures need a deep analysis. From 601 errors down to 294.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2859 PYSIDE-2859] Implemented QAbstractItemModel::multiData/QModelRoleDataSpan
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2861 PYSIDE-2861] Fixed pyside6-project with relative paths for lupdate
** Fixed some compiler warnings/clang-tidy

=== 05. September 2024===
**New reports board
* General
**QtCreator support
** Team mostly at QtCS
**Integration cycle on gerrit overview
* Infra & Releases
*Infra & Releases
** Starting to switch to 6.8
**CI down next Monday for a few hours
* Bugs & Features
**First tests on linux arm64
** Fixed a potential memory corruption in enum converter generation
**Preparing 5.15.15 Commercial LTS
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2851 PYSIDE-2851] Tricky bug with @Slot(name=) no working. Still investigating.
**qtpip first trials on the CI
** Adapting deployment and other things to 6.8. Some existing bugs and ToDo were solved.
*Bugs & Features
** Working on creating a "Release Notes" page in Qfp documentation parsing from 'doc/changelogs'
**Async research continues, new things are being discovered while is being developed
** Competitor research for potential new features
***Implementing a few new things for improving the support
***Initial patch got merged, but a few others are in the making
**Team contributing to QtAcademy
**SQL queries issues, inconsistencies in the API were fixed
**Build with ninja had some problems regarding mixing stdout and stderr
**Testing initial support for rvalues
**2272 fixing signatures for some qmlRegister* functions
**Examples: new mediaplayer was fully ported
**Example gallery scans now a doc directory for images
**Some other multimedia examples are pending for review
**Team contributing to Qt translations
**Adjusting the deployment tool, and fixing issues with pyenv, and upgrading nuitka
**CMake: adjusting the files to use the new API for finding python, reducing our cmake files
***Considering also the removal of patchelf, and follow the cmake approach
**Lazy initialization of enums is showing a good improvement on the performance

===27. July 2023===
=== 29. August 2024===
* General
** Continue discussion on a better qml integration
* Bugs & Features
** Added pyside6-svgtoqml - 6.8
** Added missing binaries to 6.8. This include some QtQuick modules.
** Deprecated ToDo fixed in pyside6-deploy
** Updated Nuitka version to 2.4.8
** Code Design simplification of pyside6-deploy
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2835 PYSIDE-2835] - error message setup in pyside6-deploy. Issue raised in Nuitka.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2846 PYSIDE-2846] - towards MyPy testing of type hints
*** Reformatted helper functions in generate_pyi with class methods
*** Changed all typing classes to have prefix "typing" against name clashes (tricky)
*** Started systematic fixture of errors: 533 in 7 categories (was 601 before prefix). Seeking general fixture algorithms.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2701 PYSIDE-2701] Add a Benchmark batch script to measure progress

=== 22. August 2024===
**Shyam wrote trip report to Europython
* General
**Some vacations starting soon for some team members
** Bug fixing week
**Got some cool t-shirts (internal only so far) - Is there interest for merch?
** uv release 0.3.0 https://astral.sh/blog/uv-unified-python-packaging
*Infra & Releases
** Tag strings https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-750-tag-strings-for-writing-domain-specific-languages/60408
**6.5.2 released
** discussion related to spy
**Some LTS releases soon as well
* Infra & Releases
**Issues on the CI (RHEL8.6) and python interpreter.
** 6.2 issue with ".commercial" tag on the wheels
**Formalization of release besides wheels on PyPI and account.qt.io
** dev will switch to 6.8.0 when the branch is ready.
**Soon to enable CI on qtpip
* Bugs & Features
*Bugs & Features
** PYSIDE-2786 Finished the 3.10 patch to support the new syntax for the pyi files.
**[ext] designer issue, translations
** Enabling a process to test pyi with mypy
**PYSIDE-2402 QtHttpServer module was missing on Windows
** Flatpak documentation was merged
**QSql methods were un-deprecated (module seems to need more love)
** Typing issue related to QByteArray.fromRawData
**Port QtGraph example
** QtDS integration continues
**AsyncIO module: there is a second change in preparation
**Finally the android issue we had was solved. It seems that patchelf was breaking our binaries, and now we are using a cmake approach instead.
**Enable unity builds for android
**Nuitka will be pinned to a recent version
**PYSIDE-2404 lazy loader research
*Interesting projects we checked
**Stable Diffusion

===20. July 2023===
=== 15. August 2024===
* General
** Bug fixing weekS (2 weeks)
** Planning for future work on QtDS
* Infra & Releases
** Fixing an issue to properly discover the installed WebEngine
** Note: 6.5 aarch64 releases are only around for PySide, not Qt/C++.
** Continue work on libclang pre-built on windows arm64
* Bugs & Features
** PYSIDE-2833 Doc changes: qml tutorials, re-gen docs to fix
** Updated Qt Python Scripting (QtPyScript? name to be confirmed)
** 6.7.3 changelog preparation
** Adjusting branches, because of missing patches.
** pyi: fixing more issues
** research on improving the qml + python interaction

=== 8. August 2024===
**Two team members @ Europython 2023
* General
*Infra & Releases
** Talk accepted for KDE Akademy: "Pythonizing Qt"
*Bugs & Features
** Qt Contributor summit session to work with people from the Squish team.
**Implementing transports and protocols of asyncio API
** An intern will most probably join the team.
**Lazy importer still under development. Ongoings:
* Infra & Releases
***necessary to register all types without creating them
** PySide6_DS will remain being available only for Windows/Linux x86_64 and macOS universal, no aarch64 for Linux
***turning all PyTypeObject into PyTypeObject valued functions
** Research continues on Windows arm64
***quite hard because deeply buried in the generated code
* Bugs & Features
** PYSIDE-2384 Enum as Sequences issues on Python 3.11
** Signal Manager massive refactoring
** qmlimportscanner new option to exclude directories (for our tooling)
** PYSIDE-2833 loadFromModule should be used for QML projects
** Fixes in the documentation
** 6.8 adaption
** Create the KDE documentation for using the PySide BaseApp for Flatpak (on review)
** Improving the documentation, getting ideas from other frameworks/projects. We will try to keep old links working with some alias, and fixing many broken links.
** Continue fixing pyi issues
** Discussion on the next steps on the QtDS integration

===13. July 2023===
=== 2. August 2024===
* General
* Infra & Releases
** 6.8, 6.7.3 preparations
** "Qt Design Studio components for PySide6" wheels are now available from pypi.org. https://pypi.org/project/PySide6-DS/
* Bugs & Features
** Some pyi issues were fixed ( [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2788 PYSIDE-2788], [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2752 PYSIDE-2752] )
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2814 PYSIDE-2814] Deployment: spaces can now be used in extra_args
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2828 PYSIDE-2828] Updated tutorials
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2820 PYSIDE-2820] Fixed Opaque containers to work with QML
** Some refactoring of the PySide's signal handling
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2825 PYSIDE-2825] Added QtWebView
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2630 PYSIDE-2630] [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2794 PYSIDE-2794]  pyside6-deploy issue related to filling QML files from venv is fixed
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2806 PYSIDE-2806] Fixed app name issue for pyside6-deploy
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2785 PYSIDE-2785] Fixed site-packages issue for pyside6-deploy
** Cleanup and added missing modules to flatpak. Still need review. The corresponding patches are merged in pyside-setu - https://github.com/pyside/io.qt.PySide.BaseApp/pulls
** Added README to PySide flatpak recipe. Needs review - https://github.com/pyside/io.qt.PySide.BaseApp/pulls
** Working on updating the KDE PyQt documentation to also target PySide
** Added minibrowser WebView example

=== 25. July 2024===
**CI is not behaving, so be cautious
* General
**3.12 beta 4 was released
** Plan with some brainstorming ideas from last session.
**Next week some people are going to Europython
* Infra & Releases
*Infra & Releases
** tqtc/dev branch still broken. Waiting for Finland to come back from vacation :D
**6.5.2 still in progress, waiting to have the RC wheels
** DS wheels still need to be tested
*Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
**Qt Akademy to prepare a Qt for Python course
** arm64 shiboken generator not properly working (libclang)
**Examples: we might adapt our gallery to https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-115174
** flatpak support: patch was merged, and there were a couple of issues that have a possible fix. After that, the KDE documentation will be modified in order to offer the option for users to use PySide as well.
**Android: callback issue from C++ to Python, some ideas are around, but the problem persists.
** scikit-build research
***Might be related to the usage of patchelf.
** signature compression research: dealing with some last details.
**Research on Lazy loader continues
*** fullname field, and compression of the strings.
***Some ideas are behaving well at the moment, but still being tested.
** no-gil research will re-start next month, in order to address the new changes from cpython
***We might need to discover some classes that we cannot initialize lazily (manual code injection, need init before usage)
** Type hints issues being worked out.
**We need some reviews for the eventloop patch (asyncio)
**An enum class with an issue for stubs.
**qtpip work continues
**Some good-first-issue are planned for the project, so more contributors can join us!

===6. July 2023===

=== 18. July 2024===
**PySide 6.6 will support Python 3.8+
* General
**Python 3.12 support will be back-ported to 6.5 only, and not 6.2
** We got a talk accepted at Akademy 2024.
*Infra & Releases
** September 11th is the limit to submit features for PySide 6.8.0
**6.2.9 commercial lts was released yesterday.
* Infra & Releases
**6.5.2 RC wheels to be tested.
** Flaky macOS failures were addressed
**5.15 open commercial lts tags are in the pyside/pyside-setup repo.
** PySide6 Design Studio wheels to be tested
**qtpip configuration file being improved and updated
* Bugs & Features
**ARM CI host configuration continues
** Work on [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2701 PYSIDE-2701] - Binary size reduction
*Bugs & Features
*** LZMA compression moved to ZLIB and C++. Compression on Windows 8.7 %, macOS 4.7 %
**Removal of old enums was finished
*** Study of pybind11/nanobind continues.
**Starting to work with lazy loaders for enums
*** Overlap with PYSIDE-2404: Startup time optimization of ZLIB compression almost ready.
**First iteration of the asyncio support for the qt eventloop, tests are being prepared.
** Finding some use-cases from PySide users during EuroPython.
**PYSIDE-2370 cross compilation issue, might be related to host python, provided some options to try.
** Flatpak recipes are ready to be tested, meaning projects relying on flatpak (like KDE) will be able to use PySide in their builds :D
**Android issue, we cannot get C++ callbacks to Python. Might be related to a python version incompatibility.
** macOS multimedia missing plugins.
**Preparing a contribution back to python-to-android
** QtWebView might be added for completeness.
**Rewriting some enum code
** Feedback from EuroPython: More tutorials, and examples with applied cases, rather than too basic or too advanced ones.
**Add mediaplayer demo in qtdoc for python (some issues with qml)
**Add document viewer qtdoc example
**PYSIDE-2381 QSettings issue
**pyside6-lupdate issues related to encoding.
**qtpip works continues

===29. June 2023===
=== 11. July 2024===
* General
** Two members of the team at Europython
* Bugs & Features
** Work on [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2701 PYSIDE-2701] - Binary size reduction
*** An LZMA compressor has been written in Python and C++ with 4.5% win.
*** Reimplementation in C++ only is even easier. (when considered worth it)
*** Study of pybind11/nanobind implementation
** Work on [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2803 PYSIDE-2803] - qmlimportscanner and Windows cmd line length limitation
** Refactoring and cleanup of the Signals/Slot handling code
** Added missing libraries for the QtMultiMedia ffmpeg plugin on macOS

===4. July 2024===
**Next maintenance break in August.
* General
*Infra & Releases
** Next week, two members of the team will be at Europython
**6.5.2 postponed until next week
** Don't forget QtWS 2025 submissions (Until first days of August)
**6.2.9 Commercial LTS soon to be released (a new qt build)
** We might get the help from an intern.
**5.15.15 LTS in the next weeks
* Infra & Releases
**ARM CI host still in progress
** LTS Open Source release is out for 6.2.9 (sources)
**Brainstorming some additional matrix testing infra for Python versions
** QtDS packages are generated now in the CI
**Tags for OSS and new LTS public releases (IFW ticket)
** Improvements in https://download.qt.io/official_releases/QtForPython/
*Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
**Research on scripting continues
** Fixed PYSIDE-2790: Implemented task "uncancelling" and cancel count mechanism
**Designer related features/ QtCreator
** Fixed PYSIDE-2799: Turns out cancelling handles when cancelling tasks can cause issues
**Memory leak related to REG is solved
** PYSIDE-2798 might not be (easily) fixable entirely
**New icon theme for examples coming
*** Qt and asyncio collide when Qt shuts everything down too early for asyncio's liking, e.g. when closing the window.
**Some qdoc examples might be enabled for Python
*** Setting keep_running=True is probably a suitable workaround.
**Enum removal is still generating detail discussions
** Submitted cherry-picks to 6.7 for a number of changes (mostly QtAsyncio) where the pick-to line was forgotten
***Two implementation versions are suggested.
** PYSIDE-2701 activities:
***The old ones were written in C++ so the startup time is a lot slower
*** implemented removal of the fullName field
***Lazy generator is helping a A LOT
*** started implementation of common function end replacement
**Android dev build - unity had some complications
*** started work on SignatureStrings compression with LZMA
**Async event loop work, last issues were addressed.
** PYSIDE-2793 (PYSIDE-1057) Memory leak in slot connection. Some were fixed, but there is still one that's very old (PYSIDE-79)
***still some network io features are missing
** singleShot newly added signature has some complications when disconnected
**[Research] PySide components for QtDS needs to follow QtDS release cycle rather than Qt.
** NumPy 2.0 compatibility patches were merged.
** Signal Handling research and review
** PYSIDE-2192 Input hook handling (for matplotlib) was addressed thank to some suggestion.
** PYSIDE-2805 Suggestion overload QMessageBox.open for passing a new slot.
** 6.8 Adaption continues.
** PYSIDE-2803 support bug on windows with pyside6-deploy command too long
** Flatpak: shiboken is building, but pyside has some issues still.
** Research on windows arm64
** Testing DS packages

===27. June 2024===

===21. June 2023===
* General
** Python language summit blog posts.
* Infra & Releases
** Android wheels configuration is running OK.
** Feature freeze for 6.8 on September 11 (for Qt/C++ RC release)
** Tweaks for the Qt for Python deployment internal guide for Raspberry Pi.
* Bugs & Features
** QtDS: packages ready to go out after CI configuration.
** QtDS: export option within the tool planned in 2 weeks.
** qmlnext: the issue with the example task was find and solved.
** PYSIDE-2786 Preparation (future statement) of new syntax for Python 3.9
*** then checkin of deferred 3.10 changes was done.
** PYSIDE-2701 activities:
*** Removal of generated fullname field (in progress)
*** Further analysis of possible folding savings
*** Revived the 2019 PySide 2 comparison viewer
** PYSIDE-2795 FreeCAD problem was solved.
** PYSIDE-2792 Nested class QMetaObject::Connection (for custom Connection classes)
** 6.8 QtGraph examples. The module keeps changing.
** PYSIDE-2793 memory leak on modbus client.
** Nuitka upgrade 2.3.7: issues with Python 3.12 were fixed.
** Some new issues and limitations on the android ci conf (building python from source)
** Flatpak task continues, and people from KDE is involved in the discussion.
** pyside6-deploy support case with command line length limitations
** PYSIDE-2790 Few new bug reports related to QtAsyncio: uncancel not implemented.
** QtAsyncio cancel errors are not propagated.

===20. June 2024===
**PyPI limit increase for PySide6-Addons
**PySide 6.6 might have support for Python 3.8+ (due to Python 3.7 EOL in a week)
**Python 3.12b3 is out - test!
**Qt Contributor Summit
***General session + maybe another one for specific topics.
*Infra & Releases
**6.2.9 is ready, but waiting for Qt/c++ release
**6.5.2 release date is next week.
**Tags for OSS and new LTS public releases
*Bugs & Features
**Android research: extra functionality is there, and working on bluetooth/permission integration with a device (example)
**PYSIDE-2364 Invalid syntax on a pyi file
**Continue with the old enum removal.
***Maybe delayed initialization to improve startup time.
**AsyncIO eventloop work continues
**Research for scripting continues
**6.6 adaptations
**Fix Enum issue with clang with invalid hex

===15. June 2023===
* General
** Interviews going on for a new position and internship.
* Infra & Releases
** 6.7.2 was released last Tuesday
** QtDS package is currently awaiting approval from the team.
* Bugs & Features
** Android wheels patch integrating. Windows signing issue hopefully fixed.
** PYSIDE-2781 - Nuitka sporadic failure with Python 3.12. Collaborating with Kay, and with help from ctismer, the issue is fixed. Was caused due to bytecode handling of Nuitka.
** PYSIDE-2702 - Flatpak progressing. Discussion with QtCreator led to the impression that an Flatpak extension would be better than Flatpak Baseapp.
*** This enable PySide6 to be bundled with the QtCreator flatpak app
** Follow-up patches from the internal QtAsyncio presentation.
** There are two functions in asyncio that are not properly documented.
** Type hints:
*** Discussion about updating the generator, in order to use 3.10+ notation (even if we are compatible with 3.9). Possibility to use 'from __future__ import annotations'
** PYSIDE-2701 - Binary reduction approach ideas
** QtDS exporting python files will be started soon.
** Improved QML integration being studied.

**Going to EuroPython
**Participation in Qt Academy
*Infra & Releases
**6.2.9 LTS to be released
**NFS issues in the CI, being worked on.
**ARM host on CI experiencing some issues.
***Some preliminary wheels were generated in order to test.
***Might help the Android story, but this needs to be confirmed.
*Bugs & Features
**Async research revisited
***Testing eventloop wrapping
**Memory leak issue still needs to be fixed (hopefully for 6.5.2)
**Examples in Qt revamp
**Translations and fixes for 6.6
**Discussion about Enums implementation
**Scripting on C++ research continues
**PYSIDE-1735 removing old enums continues
**Android improvements in review
***Adding more modules
**QVariant enum change (temporary patch until Qt7)
**shiboken_generator research to make it publicly available (libclang dependency)

===8. June 2023===
===13. June 2024===

* General
**Python 3.11.4 released, 3.12.0beta2
** Python 3.9 story: the decision was made without considering that 3.9 is still getting security releases, so we have decided to keep supporting Python 3.9 for PySide 6.8 LTS, but we might drop it in the middle of some bug-fix releases.
**PySide6-addons reaching the 10G limit on PyPI
*** Things that are considered to support certain python versions are: Internal CI Python versions for each OS, Python version lifecycle https://devguide.python.org/versions/, features that will improve user experience from new versions.
*Infra & Releases
*** Python stubs (pyi) might be compatible with 3.10+
** released due to a regression (introduced by a mem leak fix)
** Qt Group is sponsoring EuroPython 2024: and we will give a talk!
**Maintenance Tool > wheels
* Infra & Releases
***Special case for M2M protocols to be tested
** 6.7.2 packages are ready to be released.
**CI on arm64 continues (Linux and Windows)
** Boot2Qt had a few issues that were solved.
*Bugs & Features
** Starting process to test windows arm64 (discussion around libclang)
**Fixed some type-hint related issues PYSIDE-2357/PYSIDE-2331/PYSIDE-2340
** Nightly builds:
**Scripting research
*** Possible solution for linux and macOS arm64 android builds.
**Qt pip tool has updated the configuration file and wheels to continue the work on the new tool
*** Maybe also for non-unity builds? it has been failing in some corner cases.
**QVariant PyEnum issue -> solution for review
*** We could have dev-android branch so we don't block the normal dev development.
**Android work continues: improving the dependency detection
*** nightly builds merge automatically if everything passes.
**PYSIDE-2335 unraisable is finally checked in (the current solution works, it could be improved but low prio -> xml definitions)
*** PyPy integrations might join a similar configuration as well.
**PYSIDE-2354 type error due to the usage of Generic (related to 939) - related to cpython issue
* Bugs & Features
**PYSIDE-1735 old enums removal started
** Android wheels from macOS host through coin successful. Assembling the final patch. Coin still running tests for an Android build and error-ing still needs to be resolved.
**Example tunings
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2702 PYSIDE-2702] - Flatpak base app implementation started.
**Bug fixing week
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2781 PYSIDE-2781] - pyside6-deploy failure investigation ongoing. Could be a Nuitka issue. User using the latest Nuitka.
** Working on improve our typing implementations.
** QtAsyncio: internal presentation including the theory behind and some live examples.
** Lazy load: disabled for PyPy, fixing some shiboken-tests
** QtScrypt: development continues
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2780 PYSIDE-2780] refcount bug in the lazy import fixed
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2751 PYSIDE-2751] 3.13 compatibility patches are ready, nogil under development
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2701 PYSIDE-2701] reduction of binary sizes under investigation, estimating the achievable reduction

===1. Juni 2023===
===06. June 2024===

* General
**Europython - call for first time speakers (open to anyone)
** Maintenance work next week will keep the CI offline (Monday morning, phase I + Wednesday, phase II)
**Waiting until API review to move dev to 6.6
** PySide 6.8 will support Python 3.10+
**New Epic/User Stories policy
** Must read https://peps.python.org/pep-0741/
**Participating into Qt Academy
* Infra & Releases
*Infra & Releases
** Some issues with the macOS CI units.
**6.5.1 released, a leak fix is causing issues with signal connections.
** Local raspberry pi 4 (aarch64) for testing:
***Initially we thought it was purely functools.partial but there are other cases that are not working.
** qtpip 0.1.2 release: mostly issues around the commercial version tag and the usage of '+' and '.'
***Testing alternative solutions, otherwise we revert
** 6.5.6 commercial LTS was released.
***In any case a will be out soon
** 6.7.2 release will happen soon (due to an issue with designer)
**Need to test the new conf file for the commercial wheel install mechanism
** the Python 3.9 macOS CI configuration will be updated to 3.11, and the windows with 3.11 will be updated to 3.12
**5.15 needs to skip libclang16
* Bugs & Features
**Testing maintenance tool with a license without Qt for Automation (for wheel check)
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2622 - Standalone mode for Deployment as per many requests from users
**JIRA release versions are pending.
** Deployment tests fixed with a custom PySide6 build. There might be corner cases that were missed.
*Bugs & Features
** https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/537466 ready, but waiting for macOS x86_64 to update Python to 3.11 - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qt5/+/565565/4 (Thanks Simo)
**(External) Designer fonts issues
** Patches ready for updating python syntax to drop typing.Optional (and use | instead) that will go in once we drop 3.9
**PYSIDE-2347 metaobject tool missing types
** Preparing presentation and improvements to QtAsyncio
**Scxml events missing connections.
** PYSIDE-2440 will be prepared.
**Scripting research (check report)
** op codes changing in Python, is altering some of our internal implementation, like the forgiveness mode.
**Leak research continue
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2751 planned work for the no-gil feature in Python 3.13
**Issue with new example state machine to be solved (event handling)
** smart pointers with lazy loading were not working, but a fix was merged.
**PYSIDE-1930 PYSIDE-2239 QVariant Enum issue, the fix is out, but we need some tests.
** Qt Designer had a regression that motivated 6.7.2
**Finish the problem with unraisable exceptions
** Qt 6.8 adaption taking a lot of work due to doc changes and QtGraphs
***Discussion on special cases with a run function
** PYSIDE-2772 issue ended up being a user problem
***Blocking functions are still an issue, because we cannot break
**PYSIDE-2354 typing.Generic issue with inheritance in progress
**PyTest research continues

===25. Mai 2023===
===30. May 2024===

* General
**QtWS - One talk accepted
** PySide 6.8 will most probably support Python 3.10+
**Europython - One talk accepted
** Evaluating arm64 wheels for Windows
*Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
**6.5.1 one issue was found, so release will be available once we merge the fix.
** Discussion about the Qt for Python in boot2qt
**5.15.14 to be release soon.
** PyPy releases has been on hold due to some internal CI problems.
**CI arm64 experiments continue
** Commercial packages will now be available on the following day after community packages.
**Asking about M2M wheels on the maintenance tool, for 6.6
** qtpip is planned to support aarch64
**Solving LTS issues of missing tags on public repo, might take some time.
** 6.5.6 commercial lts will be released next week
*Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
**Evaluating shiboken6_generator to be published on PyPi
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2766 PYSIDE-2766] - Android wheels from macOS successful. Patches for review.
**Few small fixes around the project (release preparation, new features, small bugs, doc issues)
*** Testing a sample app now + Modifying https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/537466
**QtScrypt experimental work continues
** 6.8 adaption is in progress [qtcharts is a bit unstable]
**Permission API added (motivated by the android support)
** c++20 research to improve libshiboken
**Improvements for the android deployment.
** qtscrypt progressing to support signal/slot
**Trying to fix an issue of getting Enums to Ints
** dev will support python 3.10+ [for 6.8+]
**Delayed exceptions work continues, trying to fix some corner cases still.
** PYSIDE-2767 pyi improvements.
**Starting to explore PEP 658
** lazy init for nested types disrupted the smart pointer support.
**Research on PyTest compatibility
** https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2440 type hints optionallity is planned to be implemented.
**[Designer] Fixing some issues, and warnings

===18. Mai 2023===
===23. May 2024===
* General
* Infra & Releases
** Preparing 6.7.1 with a lot of fixes
** 5.15.17 LTS released
* Bugs & Features
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2747 PYSIDE-2747] Fixed PySide to run on Fedora 40 with 3.12-3
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2749 PYSIDE-2749] Worked on a performance regression related to Lazy Init
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2758 PYSIDE-2758] Added QQuickWebEngineProfile.setUrlRequestInterceptor()
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2762 PYSIDE-2762] Fixed a type hinting bug
** Brushed up and fixed a few examples
** 6.8 Adaption
** Python 3.13 check
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2751 PYSIDE-2751] Python 3.13 first step towards --disable-gil compatibility (no ob_refcnt)
** pyside6-deploy. Ignore files with .webp, .cpp.o, .qsb and .qen extension as Nuitka errors with them.
** Close to macOS cross compilation

*Infra & Releases
===16. May 2024===
**6.5.1 Preparations
* General
**5.15.14 Preparations
* Infra & Releases
*Bugs & Features
** 5.15.17 commercial lts needs to be re-packaged one more time due to 3rd party components updates.
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2325 PYSIDE-2325] typesystem incomplete
** 6.7.1 release will also be re-packed. LE for release is 20th of May
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2328 PYSIDE-2328] Segmentation fault/access violation when connecting signal of temporary object
* Bugs & Features
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2329 PYSIDE-2329] Signal connections with init kwargs
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2753 PYSIDE-2753] - Added missing libQt6DeclarativeOpcUa binary to wheels
**Reverted temporarily the delayed exception patch, in order to not block the 6.5.1 release. This should be discussed at the next meeting
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2750 PYSIDE-2750] - Added missing libQt6VirtualKeyboardSettings binary to wheels
***Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2310 PYSIDE-2310]
** Exclude .qsb, .webp, .cpp.o and .qen from deployment due to Nuitka error. Error report raised in Nuitka - https://github.com/Nuitka/Nuitka/issues/2854
***Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2321 PYSIDE-2321]
** Working on macOS cross compilation. The clang parser of shiboken generator needs some changes for cross compilation. Tricky changes incoming.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2748 PYSIDE-2748] - Fixed a type hint error
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2747 PYSIDE-2747] - Diagnostics and minor fixes for a crash on Fedora, no real fix though
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2711 PYSIDE-2711] - Fixed a bug in QWidget/QObject.parent()
** Work on type discovery in libshiboken, added helpers to dump internal state, performance considerations
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2620 PYSIDE-2620] - Adapting to 6.8
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2745 PYSIDE-2745] - Fixed a bug with exceptions in 0-delay singleShot timer slots
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2404 PYSIDE-2404] - Lazy Loading completed by supporting subtypes. This gives 8-9% more performance.
** Support for Python 3.13 started - first compatibility before switching to disable-gil
** Possibilities explored to lazy load signatures or save space.

===11. Mai 2023===
===2. May 2024===

* General
**Python Users Berlin meetup talk today
** OKR reviews for the next quarter.
**Europython, QtWS
** Got a long document with feedback of a few tools we provided, that will help us improving our tooling!
**Qt FF 02.06
** Started the planning of moving away from '<file>.pyproject' to 'pyproject.toml' for pyside projects, in order to add options for our tools.
**Android team «ketchup»
* Infra & Releases
**Example revamp update
** 5.15.17 commercial lts needs to be re-packaged due to 3rd party components updates.
***Quick examples needs to be ported to loadFromModule (Quick3D, QuickLocation, missing)
** 6.7.1 to be released next week.
*Infra & Releases
** Add new mechanism to test snapshot wheels.
**6.5.1 to be release around 15.05 -> shifted to next week.
* Bugs & Features
***https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2310 regression
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2698 PYSIDE-2698] - ListProperty features fixed. Added tests to check all the features.
***https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2299 memory leak
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2705 PYSIDE-2705] - issues with signal disconnect warnings fixed
**5.15.14 to be release around 16.05
** macOS cross compilation for Android - stuck on a CMake issue. Progressing well.
*Bugs & Features
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2709 PYSIDE-2709] - Analysis ongoing for this QML registration regression
**Fixing regressions issue related to threads - delayed exceptions
** Work on improving/documenting type discovery in shiboken
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2321 event handlers issues
** Enumeration support in QtScrypt
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1951 virtual method override - still in progress
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2676 PYSIDE-2676] - PEP 697 extension in Python 3.12 fixed
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2230 3.12 support
** BT bug research, cannot be reproduced and application doesn't hang. Connection is not successful.
**nogil research continues - mutex might slow down things, but doing a proper division of the code could help.
*** Issue might require special hw
**QML example tutorials - one review pending
** Documenting QtAsyncio implementation details.
**2313 longtype issue with numpy
*** An internal presentation is being prepared.
**examples revamping - loadFromModule
** Possible QtAsyncio feature, 'run' supporting context managers.
**Icon library -> icon theme soon available on a new module.
** macOS cross compilation for android being tried
**PYSIDE-2316 sharedpointer template issues
**Shiboken refactoring
**Finally the memory leak is fixed
**Enhancing android story, detection of modules, finding dependencies, got ideas from the current qt/c++ tool.
**Build infrastructure, setup.py install has been deprecated since 3.11 - looking into a new build infrastructure.
**Internal technical talks
***Shiboken generating bindings
***Shiboken for documentation generation
***type hints generation
***QML integration via decorators

===4. Mai 2023===

===25. April 2024===
**Europython talk by Shyam still under consideration
* General
**Qt for Android catch up meeting scheduled for 09/05/2023
** Successful talk at PyCon DE. Good response.
**Discussion with kivy developers done on discord. They seem to be onboard with the Qt support.
* Infra & Releases
*Infra & Releases
** Preparing 6.7.1
*Bugs & Features
** 5.15.17 Commercial LTS is also soon to be prepared
**Android Deployment Enhancements - Bringing pyside6-android-deploy at the level of androiddeployqt - Ongoing
** sccache seems to be not properly behaving (on windows) because we are not getting enough output.
**python-for-android PR Enhancements - Ongoing
** PySide6_DS wheel to be adjusted and hopefully be released soon.
**PYSIDE-1951 super().__lt__ global solution ongoing
* Bugs & Features
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2206 PYSIDE-2206] QML examples/tutorials revamping
** Added a number of new classes
**PYSIDE-2221 Python runs NoGil version of mandelbrot.py 7.7 times faster on a 10-code M1 machine
** PYSIDE-2676 issues on ubuntu (might be related to a windows issue as well)
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2288 PYSIDE-2288] Fixed Clang 16 support for 6.6/6.5.
** Implementation of Lazy Groups in order to avoid the regression in 6.7.0 due to multiple inheritance.
**PYSIDE-2310 Crashing without error reporting in Qt-based threads, debugging
** Alternative for Lazy Groups (Fix for the regression on 6.7.0)
**PYSIDE-2299 Ongoing, current attempt fixes most tests but leaves some SegFaults, might be a dead-end.
*** Work on regressions introduced by lazy initialization [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2675 PYSIDE-2675]
** Work on a crash in Python 3.12 [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2676 PYSIDE-2676]
** Fixed memory leaks [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1617 PYSIDE-1617]
** Work on our QML list property support [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2698 PYSIDE-2698]
** Added pyside6-balsamui (ui tool for pyside6-balsam) - PYSIDE-2629
** Also checking out List Property error with `count` and `at` parameters - [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2698 PYSIDE-2698]
** Updating old example (calqlatr) - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/523055 for responsive layout
** QtAsyncio: refinements to the current implementation, and solved a bug report.
*** Trying to add support to Keyboard interruptions (handlers)
*** Plan to improve exceptions handling

===27. April 2023===
===18. April 2024===

* General
**Planning collaboration with other projects like Kivy, towards a better mobile support.
** Bug fixing week
**QtWS talks submitted
** PyConDE (Mon-Wed next week)
**PyConES, PyConPT, PyConAPAC
** Planning a workshop for TQtC solution engineers (internal)
**Qt for Android catching up meeting
** Possibility to include shiboken into the Axivion infra
**Bug fixing week
* Infra & Releases
*Infra & Releases
** 5.15.17 commercial LTS was postponed to Friday. Still need test on Windows.
**5.15.8 wrong source code was published PYSIDE-2297
** 6.5.6 release planned
*Bugs & Features
** 6.7.1 release has been postponed to the first week of May
*PYSIDE-1951 super() and `__lt__` operator issue related to our wrapper.
** DS-compatibility wheel postponed due to CI issues
*asyncio work continues
** We might need to create a testing platform in order to check other errors that are not detectable with simple tests.
*enhancements for python-for-android to improve the android stories
* Bugs & Features
*pyside6-android-deploy polished as well
** Few new type hints issues from 6.7.0 release, needs to be address on 6.7.1
*2299 memory leak might have special cases related to the callback
** QtAsyncio issue related to Task groups. Tricky, because it can be related to Qt Events.
*clang16 is giving some issues in Qt
** PYSIDE-2629 Adding more Qt-tools to the wheels
*Icon examples libraries for the python examples research
** PYSIDE-2622 Adding a new option to the deploy tool (exposing an option from Nuitka)
*Snippet translator improvements
** PYSIDE-2675 Lazy loading issues with trees of polymorphic classes.
*** first approach made things less effective
*** The impact of the solution was reduced a bit, by disabling the feature for special multiple-inheritance cases
*** New idea on 'groups' that be handled differently, so we have group or classes grouped and dependant
** 825 qml bug is still around
*** PYSIDE-2676 seems to be a new approach to fix it
** A few customer bugs made it the bug fixing week.
** PYSIDE-2675 type discovery code, class inheritance
** QtAudio -> QAudio refactory
** Virtual function compatibility to modify the signature (from typesystem)
** PYSIDE-2492 uic issues for Enum compatibility
*** More improvements for Python projects (import options)
** PYSIDE-2685 nan type definition
** Removing code from shiboken
** 6.8 Adaption already started
** PYSIDE-2689 sphinx directives doesn't seems to be compatible with the search context.

===20. April 2023===
===11. April 2024===
* General
** Bug fixing week.
** Qt 6.6.3 Library split broke our release, so we provided as a fix.
** Qt 6.7.0 also had an issue with a binary incompatibility change on QtAudio and QAudio
** Maybe we implement a simple channel of communicating this details, in order to avoid breakage [maybe architect meetings]
** Qt Creator 13 creates venvs automatically. This needs to be revisited to avoid multiple environments to be created.
** New epics with brainstorming ideas.
* Infra & Releases
** 6.7.0 was released, we found a couple of issues we are trying to solve, and 6.7.1 will soon be released due to a binary compatibility break, and other small breakage.
**  5.15.17 commercial LTS to be release next week.
** QtDS packages a bit delay due to CI errors.
** Qt Installer (Maintenance tool) has  still some issues with the structure.
* Bugs & Features
** Adding new Qt tools to the wheels (wrappers)
** PYSIDE-2602 special virtual function research
** PYSIDE-2669 designer issue
** PYSIDE-2675 Addressing the lazy import issues that were found in 6.7.0
*** Studying the possible solution, but it needs to consider other cases as well.
*** the *-import handling seems to be related, and affecting the mro content, duplicating some entries.
*** the type discovery handler might be related as well
** Still working on the qml 825 bug issues.

*Bugs & Features
===4. April 2024===
**Work on support for clang 16, which changes behavior quite a bit
* General
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2284 PYSIDE-2284] issue with NoneType
** Large part of the team at conferences/on Easter holiday
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2285 PYSIDE-2285] Type hints / Tuples
* Infra & Releases
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2298 PYSIDE-2298] and others, fixed some missing 6.5 API
** Released release with fixes for Quick Controls/Multimedia
**Added new tools - pyside6-qmlsc (commercial only) and pyside6-qmlcachegen
** Preparing for 6.7.0
**Simplified tool adding process
* Bugs & Features
**PySide6 to Android Deployment blog published 🤞
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2646 PYSIDE-2646] Improved cleanup of signal manager objects
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1564 PYSIDE-1564] Final approach was implemented with a new super() class. But This approach was not helpful. Issue finally closed.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2662 PYSIDE-2662] Fix for a signal in OpcUA
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1951 PYSIDE-1951] A solution was finally found and implemented. Trying to improve.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2663 PYSIDE-2663] Fixed a crash in webengine bindings
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2304 PYSIDE-2304] Issue resolved, Cooperative Multiple Inheritance explained with a custom example, customer is happy
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2668 PYSIDE-2668] Fixed an error in enums
**[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2299 PYSIDE-2299] Cause for memory leak has been found, but fix will not be trivial (might require extensive refactoring in worst case).
**Debugging QtAsyncIoEventLoop, partly functional but still early.

===13. April 2023===
===28. March 2024===
* General
* Infra & Releases
** Prepared release; 6.6.3 was unfortunately broken due to missing libraries (Quick Controls/Multimedia)
* Bugs & Features
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2654 PYSIDE-2654] Fixed multiple inheritance when no __init__ is in a subclass
** Still investigating a crash on Ubuntu with Python 3.12 and bug_825.py . The crash is deeply hiding in Qt6.
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2652 PYSIDE-2652] Fixed an int overflow
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2649 PYSIDE-2649] Work on building without OpenGL
** [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2653 PYSIDE-2653] Fixed a syntax error in type hints

===21. March 2024===
**SF 24.04 -> 16.05 ooo
* General
**CM 19.04 -> 27.04 ooo
** Ideas to improve the module.
**QtCreator beta now includes an extra option to create virtual environments
** Most of the team is going on vacation the following weeks.
*Infra & Releases
* Infra & Releases
**6.5.0 released, but one missing DLL on windows for people without hw acceleration.
** 6.7.0 to be released the first week of April [delayed]
***To be fixed in 6.5.1
** 6.2.12 Commercial LTS to be release in the following days [delayed]
**6.2.8 LTS to be released this week
** 6.6.3 to be release next week [delayed]
**Improving current state of the maintenance tool for Python
* Bugs & Features
**Second version of the packages in the server
** 6.8 adaption patches are being worked
** PYSIDE-2638 fix crash QLayout when None is passed
** Documentation updates: for tooling and examples.
**Qt Design Studio integration is on research
** QtRhi missing API provided
*Bugs & Features
** Memory leak regression being worked out
**Type hints PYSIDE-2284 issue with NoneType
** Shiboken Qt namespaces patches being cherry picked to previous versions.
**2283 Platform dependencies into our docs
** Android deployment and qml tool documentations
**Clang16 improvements to be compatible
** Android wheels generation on the CI process is being improved.
**Research on the missing DLL issue on Windows
** Debugging deep into Nuitka to understand a problem with the lazy loading functionality.
**Research on a memory leak possible related to Signal instances.
** QAsyncio bug fixed
**asyncio debugging with a self-made event loop
** Adding more tools docs pages for our tools.
**Improving the python-for-android changes to prepare a patch
**Technical Preview blog post for Android in the making
**PYSIDE-2294 multiple inheritance issue for a corner case with positional arguments
***Researching a new approach that could improve things further

===6. April 2023===
===14. March 2024===
* General
** PyConDE schedule is out, don't miss Shyam's talk https://pretalx.com/pyconde-pydata-2024/talk/W7YDRX/
** Python 3.13.0a5 is out.
* Infra & Releases
** 6.7.0 in preparation, docs adjustments and new pages will come. Branching on Monday.
** 6.2.12 LTS release in preparation.
** 6.6.3 will be release next week.
** qtpip 0.1.1 to be released
** dev is already Python 3.8 free, and we support 3.9+ for 6.7+
* Bugs & Features
** Triaging and fixing issues in general: 2638 layout crash.
** PYSIDE-2690 namespaces support continues
** Lazy initialization got merged
*** New improvements might land in future versions
** PYSIDE-2635 OpcUA example problem
** PYSIDE-2633 remoteobjects issue
** Using new icons on the examples
** Testing libclang 18
** QObject.connect bug when a callable is a QObject (workaround with manual overload)
** QIOPipe implementation for QAsyncio (base in the Qt/C++ one)
** New use cases for QAsyncio and aiohttp
** permission API changes got merge
** android wheel compilation was adapted for qt 6.7.0 (PR on python-for-android was merged)
** PYSIDE-1639 QLocale issue was fixed

===07. March 2024===
**New Python releases 3.11.3, 3.10.11
* General
*Infra & Releases
** Participation in FOSS Backstage
**6.5.0 released
* Infra & Releases
**6.2.8 commercial LTS to go out soon
** 6.5.5 Commercial LTS was released
**Review Maitenance Tool integration
** 5.15.13 OSS Package will be released tomorrow
**qtpip server configuration still in progress
** qtpip 0.1.1 release delayed
*Bugs & Features
** Python 3.8 deprecation is still pending due to CI configuration dependencies.
**Android: preparing post, tests, and general improvements.
* Bugs & Features
**PYSIDE-2266 venv issue with the deployment tool.
** permission api changes are mostly merged, one pending https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/536759/15
**Documentation was released for 6.5.0 and many things were polished.
** all deployment fixes are in.
**Async: continue working on the event loop wrapper implementation.
** lazy initialization work continues, and some issues were fixed already.
**Research on memory leak that pyqtgraph found
*** Ubuntu 22.04 | Python 3.10.2 |is showing an issue with scriptableapplication
**Brushing up tutorials: expenses
** Continue implementing more API for QtAsyncio which is currently working well
**Adding new examples: simplebrowser, screen capture
** two pending change for 6.7.0 and 6.6.3 to be merged.
**Documentation: found some issues with qdoc (from the move of examples to auto tests)
** PYSIDE-2590 qt namespaces support required a patch for Qt/C++
**PYSIDE-2278 type hinting issue was fixed
** PYSIDE-2619 gentoo issue with a build
**Improvements to the documentation
** PYSIDE-2624 typing issue with '/' is being researched
**Cleaning imports from examples
** Qt Icon Teams issues were discovered
**Add isort to the development guide
** PYSIDE-2602 virtual function research on a special signature
**Exploring other projects where Python can shine
** One regression related to the QObject.connect changes.

===30. March 2023===
===29. February 2024===

* General
*Infra & Releases
** Leap day!
**6.5 to be released next week
** Documentation changes
**including requirements.txt along the commercial bundle
* Infra & Releases
***research if possible retroactively
** 6.7.0 will drop support of Python 3.8
**qtpip research continues
** 6.5.5 to be released in the following days
*Bugs & Features
** 6.7.0 RC marks our feature freeze, some exceptions will be discussed in order to release on time.
**Features that needs to be in before 6.5
** qtpip 0.1.1 to be released soon for new indexing and shiboken_wizard package
***deployment tool nuitka patch
** General update of Python versions in our CI configuration is being planned (for dev-6.7)
***android tool
* Bugs & Features
***tutorial of thew new quick styled app
** PYSIDE-2599 QMatrix3x3 issues with QVariant
**Improving enums to avoid using the old implementation
** PYSIDE-2605 Embedding an application, using .style() - qAPP
**Deployment tool and android research continues
** PYSIDE-2590 QT_NAMESPACES support
**Async research on asyncio and trio proper integration
** PYSIDE-2602 clash on signature for QtWebEngine returning tuple
** Preparing 6.5.5 and 6.7.0 releases.
**Shiboken examples are not displayed on the docs
** PYSIDE-2612 CMake issue from Anaconda builds when find_package
**Updating the new image of the project
** macOS permissions changes are almost all merged
**Re-porting multimedia examples, simplebrowser
** Windows BTLE services crash
**Initial support for permission API
** QIO-class are required for some new QAsyncio API using pipes
**small fixes on metaobjectdump
** Lazy loading moving forward, but still a few issues are around
*** A couple of shiboken tests seems to have outdated imports that are not helping.
*** shiboken compatibility types missing
** Typing issues being solved in order to improve the pyi quality

===22. February 2024===
* General
** Brainstorming discussion about new JIRA items.
* Infra & Releases
** 6.6.2 was released!
** qtpip getting a new minor version in order to be able to install new shiboken wizard
* Bugs & Features
** Permission API issue failing on the release framework. QtLocation problems were addressed.
** QtAsyncio blog post was published.
** Definition of done for QtAsyncio story, some functions will be implemented, but other ones (until reaching the whole set of user facing API) will be implemented in the future.
** Lazy initialization of numpy support in PySide, to improve the general lazy loading effort.
** Starting documenting pyside6-* tools
** PYSIDE-2610 Qt3D issues
** 6.7 adaption was a lot of work, namespaces were something tricky.
** 6.7 changelog drafted.
** Started to improve the type hinting issues.

===23. March 2023===
===15. February 2024===

* General
**QtWS CfP open
** Brainstorming session was held.
**EuroPython talks submitted
** Europython Call for Proposal is open!
**Keeping an eye on future Python events
* Infra & Releases
*Infra & Releases
** 6.6.2 release waiting for Qt/C++ packages to be done.
**6.4.3 is out
** Commercial 6.5.5 LTS to be out next week.
***pypy3 3.9.12 compatible, newer versions included an incompatibility
** Some improvements to the CI and macOS behavior
**6.5 branching out today
** Cherry pick bot on commercial repositories.
*Bugs & Features
* Bugs & Features
**async support continues.
** singleShot changes are merged, keep an eye on strange behavior.
**Fixing a couple of issues related to the pyside6-deploy tool.
** 6.7 adaption: metaobjectdump improvements
***venv compatibility
** 6.6.2 fixes with the commercial shibokenwizard
***qml apps are not properly working
** lupdate support for pyside improved (qm files)
**android support almost ready for TP
** pyside6-project problems with dry-run were fixed. Some improvements planned.
**PYSIDE-2261 cython signature module incompatibility fixed
** CI android wheels upgrade [skip armv7 in the meantime]
**Removed goto from PySide
** Lazy imports research continues, we see lots of improvements on apple M* devices.
**Multiple inheritance issues were fixed.
**old Enums are being removed, and the startup time will improve a bit (still in progress)
**PYSIDE-971 GL funtions implementation
**including texttospeech into the wheels (missing by mistake)
**adapting scripts to 6.5
**metaobjectdump issue fixed
**doc updates

===16. March 2023===

===8. February 2024===
**Preparing submissions for Europython
**New company colors
*Infra & Releases
**6.4.3 release next week (no release branch)
**Issues with Nuitka 1.5.1 (released yesterday) and the CI didn't like it. Pining 1.5
*Bugs & Features
**qtpip: add support for many other operators (for versions)
**PYSIDE-2254 exit crash issue was fixed
**PYSIDE-2251 designer issue when not initializing virtual environment.
**qmlsurface example ported (polishing the C++ code as well)
**example icons: discussions to standardize them a bit
**android research: fixing some issues with qtquick
**PYSIDE-1564 multiple inheritance work continues, really far but found new issues. Generalizing the solution a bit from a Shiboken point of view. Research on how shiboken handle multiple inheritance to be compatible with Python's way.
**PYSIDE-2255 virtual method issue related to access to those members.
**Generalization of QApplication usage on the tests.
**Research: Add course to QtLearn related to Qt for Python
**doc: some links are broken.
**doc: migration to sphinx-design from sphinx-panels

===9. March 2023===
* General
** We got a PyConDE 2024 talk accepted (python -> android deployment)!
* Infra & Releases
** Addressing some issues with the android wheels
** 6.6.2 got delayed until next week
** Preparing for the 6.7 switch on dev
* Bugs & Features
** macOS: permission api patches ready for review
** singleShot patches merged
** Lazy initialization was finished, and ready for discussion.
** Check compatibility with the new REST module (from Qt/C++)
** Preparations for 6.7 continues.

===1. February 2024===
**Packing use-cases
**Europython CfP: https://ep2023.europython.eu/cfp
*Infra & Releases
**Preparing 5.15.13: release might be today if nothing goes wrong.
**Wheel bundles on the account.qt.io, and soon to be available in the Maintenance Tool
*Bugs & Features
**Re-added QtLocation
**Added larger examples for QtLocation, QtDataVisualization
**Android research continues, preparing a TP
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2169 Leak related to AsyncIO was finally fixed: related to the new Enum implementation
***PyErr_Fetch/Restore does ref counting, and not borrow ref
**qtpip works continues
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-79 bug signal instance: fixed most if not all possible errors.
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1403 pyi still produces something not fully working with IDEs
**https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-1564 First version of the implementation of multiple inheritance is working
***Not a general solution, but a good approach (compatible with a competitor).
***Working on a full support to handle multiple inheritance

===2. March 2023===
* General
** Interest from KDE to enable flatpak packages (maybe base pyside app).
** Discussion on adding more tutorials of specific functionality.
** CI Maintenance Break next Monday (first Monday of each month)
* Infra & Releases
** no unity build discussion and checks
** 6.6.2 to be released next week.
** More granularity on the commercial wheels: shiboken wizard wheel.
* Bugs & Features
** singleShot timer implementation (to use underlying c++ impl) - still an issue with a context object, and a signal as a functor. A new QObject::connect might handle the situation. More changes to come in order to fix newly discovered issues.
** Android: using the master branch on python-for-android, and other changes related for macOS deployment.
** PYSIDE-2597 optimization for the deployment procedure
** Lazy initialization: works continues, and it's looking good. 13 bugs to go on lazy mode. The new implementation seems to be working better.
** 6.7 adaptation still in progress (many changes from Qt)
** General documentation adjustments
** Improvements on shiboken: better error messages
** Qt Namespaces compatibility attempts.
** Moving away from a couple of setup.py options towards pyproject.toml after upgrading 'build' to 1.0.x
** Design Studio compatibility wheel work continues

**Preparing internal/external material
**Next monday CI maintenance break
*Infra & Releases
**commercial wheel bundles available on account.qt.io
**6.4.3 release was postponed
*Bugs & Features
**Improvements for qtpip
**postEvent() memory leak still has an unknown origin
**PYSIDE-2236 QMetaMethod.fromSignal added
**PYSIDE-2237 be careful with using reserved words in examples/docs/...
**PYSIDE-2239 opaquecontainers wrong dunder name
**PYSIDE-2206 Examples revamping
***Maybe we keep some examples around even if they are removed in Qt/C++
**Android work continues! looking good with 6.5
**PYSIDE-1564 Multiple inheritance story was improved, still in progress.

===23. February 2023===
===25. January 2024===

* General
**Giving a talk at Python La Paz (on Saturday) - in Spanish
** Configuring additional embedded devices for RTA
*Infra & Releases
** Focus on spending some time on embedded linux, in order to see usability, and compatibility with Boot2Qt images.
**6.4.3 ready to start the release process
** Conferences: submissions to PyCon SK, PyCon DE, PyCon LT, PyCon US
**Change to fix the windows signing is merged
* Infra & Releases
*Bugs & Features
** Decouple of the commercial wheels in order to have a finer granularity and simpler tree on the Qt Installer (Maintenance Tool)
**3.12 compatibility changes will reach 5.15, 6.2, and the future 6.5 LTS
** Qt for Python 6.6.2 is waiting for Qt to be released (by the end of the month)
**PYSIDE-79 (caused by PYSIDE-68) refcounting issues addressed
** The next 5.15.13 LTS open source release will include a new fix for a missing symbol (PyIndex_Check)
**Continue the 3.12 support because of some new issues found
** New CI configuration without '--unity' for manual testing, to spot issues.
**PYSIDE-1564: Multiple inheritance support is still being worked (old ABC issues might be related)
* Bugs & Features
**Issues with documentation build (sphinx)
** VS Code will use .flake8 (formerly setup.cfg) file for configuration once merged
**Research on a memory leak related to the asyncio example: it's not related to asyncio, but from the posting action (pyside, and not Qt, because a C++ example with no async doesn't have any leak)
** PYSIDE-2575: Added a new argument to QtAsyncio to configure whether the QCoreApplication at the core of QtAsyncio should be shut down when asyncio finishes (requested by user).
**PYSIDE-2234 adding QRunnableCreate
** SingleShot timer issue: Slight "complexity explosion" because correct implementation for one case requires implementation of QObject.connect overload with context arguments (and we implement QObject.connect ourselves, see PySide::qobjectConnectCallback).
**fixed 6.5 issues with cross compilation
** Scripting: code simplification, and massage it to a Qt module.
**Designer examples revamp
** Documentation updates to fix issues we had.
**Works continues on qtpip (a pip wrapper to install commercial wheels)
** Unity build some issues when building without.
**PYSIDE-2232 NixOS issues was fixed (another was deferred)
** 6.7 updates, adapting some warning messages
**Research on the std::span support
** QTBUG-99313 related issues
**Unity compilation research continues
** macOS permissions: made an example to work (for deployed apps) - patches incoming
**Bug cleanup, closing and fixing old ones.
** Android wheels provisioning and configuration in order to generate the base-wheels.
**OpenGL getProc issue is being worked on.
** armv7 complications due to an upstream find_python command.
**PYSIDE-2192 interactive matplotlib issue (hook)
** Lazy initialization: re-wrote approach from scratch, to reduce the patches to one that can be analyzed easily. Some complications with this approach that needs to be improve. It can be tried with https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/496118
*** https://peps.python.org/pep-0690/ was rejected, but the idea can be implemented per-module
** Moving entry_points declaration to pyproject.toml from setup.py
** Drop the bdist_wheel steps from the CI (old wheels)
** Started working on split commercial wheels, wheels for QtDS and examples on QtCreator.

===16. February 2023===
===18. January 2024===

* General
**Development of a tool for commercial wheel installation started, and other general improvements.
* Infra & Releases
**Blog posts -> 6.5 release, and Android research.
** Commercial LTS 6.2.11 was released
**Don't forget about Europython.
** Add missing tags OSS LTS 5.15.x
*Infra & Releases
** 6.6.2 scheduled by the end of the month
**Branching dev to 6.5 when the Qt/C++ 6.5.0 RC is out (16 Mar '23)
** Release documentation to be written to have tasks on JIRA
***Only fixes go to dev with Pick-to: 6.5 if necessary
* Bugs & Features
***new features remain in dev (for 6.6)
** Python Scripting: looking into stable API, and cleanup
*Bugs & Features
** PYSIDE-2577 doxygen issue
**nogil research was positive, and most of our test work. It would require for us to modify the generator for each function/module.
** PYSIDE-2570 closing some roadmap items
***mandelbrot example works and improves its performance around 3.5 times.
** Polishing documentation to use more sphinx directives
**Python 3.12 will include an incompatibility due to the changes in the type generation
** Qt 6.7 adaption
** Addressing some flake8 issues in the build_script
***some other issues were found, but not as critical as the tp_new issue.
** macOS permission API work continues: limitation for interpreted script, only compatible when deployed. Working around nuitka.
**It will be possible to install pyside6 in conda environments starting from 6.4.3 and 6.5
** singleShot: trying to solve a corner case when no sender is specified (for using the C++ function directly)
**commercial identifier on commercial wheels will be replaced to be compatible with distutils
** Fixing some CI problems with 3.11 -> 3.12 changes.
**asyncio research continues
** PYSIDE-2404 adding more information regarding the lazy evaluation, new approach might work.
**Adapting the deploy tool to include compatibility with android (in progress)
** pyside6 is now an official recipe on the python-for-android!
**research on ML-based tool to transform c++ <-> python
** Improvements to the doc build process
**Getting started docs updated
**qtdoc documentation content will be included in the docs
**doc issues: some broken links and references
**General slides to be updated

===11. January 2024===

===09. February 2023===
* General
** Hackathon at TQtC
** CI process presentation
* Infra & Releases
** Commercial LTS 6.5.4 release starting (to be finished today)
** Commercial LTS 6.2.11 still pending release
** 6.6.2 schedule by the end of the month.
** CI still showing some issues after the maintenance break.
** Update of the Python versions are pending.
* Bugs & Features
** Fixing a few small issues with QtAsyncio
** Documentation for the QtAsyncio is currently in review.
** New behavior for singleShot (relying on the C++ impl)
** macOS request permission API work continues.
** 6.7 adaptions patches
** M2M fixes on the current impl
** Native interfaces were added (new ones) to public headers
** favicon issue with out docs
** Making our doc diagram generation optional
** Improvements for the doc build process

===04.January 2024===
**How to make our API better for pathlib?
* General
**3.11.2 released, 3.10.10 as well
** Happy new year fellow readers :D
** New OKR organization
*Infra & Releases
** Keeping in an eye on Conferences
**LTS tags cannot be pushed to community repo (permissions), hopefully in this week.
** PyPy is now on 3.10
**Maintenance Tool updates soon
** Ideas on the wheel organization for the Qt Installer
**Binary signing still need a little change to be working
* Infra & Releases
**dev to use 6.5 starting today
** CI Maintenance break continues. Some new issues were discovered.
*Bugs & Features
** Pending releases: 6.2.11 and 6.5.4
**Android research in progress, looking good :)
** Android [https://download.qt.io/snapshots/ci/pyside/test/Android/aarch64/ wheels for testing] purposes are available (not for production)  
**A solution was proposed to fix the usage of PySide6 in conda environments: still needs tweaks to work, mainly related to an internal qt.conf that's loaded at runtime.
** Xcode issues with a new M3
**PYSIDE-2222 custom widget plugin, load with uic crash
** Planning the inclusion of Python 3.12 in the CI
**PYSIDE-2201 was fixed: introducing weak references into the SignalInstances.
* Bugs & Features
**PYSIDE-79 was possible to solve (from PYSIDE-68 solution). Still needs to some documentation to be written.
** async: A few bug fixes were pushed and ready for review
**PYSIDE-2221 research on future compatibility with NoGIL Python https://github.com/colesbury/nogil https://peps.python.org/pep-0703/
** async: the module is missing from our docs
**https://github.com/blueloveTH/pocketpy also interesting
** async: we have been getting some interests from users, so new issues are appearing.
** new android tag added to the examples for a better browsing
** pyside6 designer pyenv crash was fixed
** pyside cmake module update crash was fixed
** working on the request permission API for macOS
** docs: free functions as separate section and other improvements
** Python scripting in c++ works continues
** PyPy 3.10 compatibility patches
** nogil: working again on a compatibility with PEP703
*** locking mechanism for our modules.
** Typing adjustments, we need '/' in our signatures due to not having keywords parameters.

===02. February 2023===
**Europython 2023 will be in Prague! 17-23 July
*Infra & Release
**Improving wheel creation in our CI (signing windows, and other things)
**Soon we will have released LTS in the OSS repo (after some complications)
**CI Maintenance break coming next Monday (keep an eye open to the Python configuration)
*Bugs & Features
**Unity builds were helping pyside/shiboken, and some tests are being done in qt/c++
**meta task on revamping examples in the Qt Project
**Adding uic functionality and documentation
**Doc reviews, some issues were found
**Android development continues, and looks good!
**introducing --log-level to change --verbose-build and --quiet
**Overhaul of Signal/SignalInstance continues:
***[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2201 PYSIDE-2201] Weak Reference handling is complete
***[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-79 PYSIDE-79] Research on Reference bug continues
**create_wheels.py --builddir to explicitly provide build directory
**WIP: QtAsyncIoEventLoop using Qt's event dispatcher, using BaseEventLoop and BaseSelectorEventLoop for guidance
===26. January 2023===
*Infra & Releases
**Fixed issues with Windows signing
*Bugs & Features
**Fixed [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2204 PYSIDE-2204 qt.conf encoding]
**Fixed bugs in pyside6-metaobjectdump (QML) [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2202 PYSIDE-2202] , [https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2203 PYSIDE-2203]
**PYSIDE-2194: Possibly requires refactoring of QLowEnergyController to use the new WinRT API, instead of COM API
**Android Deployment - Patches incoming to automate cross compilation to produce android wheels
**Overhaul of Signal/SignalInstance
***Implement Weak Reference Handling
***[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2201 PYSIDE-2201] Handle early destruction of the object better
***[https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-79 PYSIDE-79] Trying to finally fix the reference leak using weakref.
**Alternative approach to Anaconda issue: Register internal qt6.conf with site-packages prefix (still WIP).
**WIP: Implement class QtAsyncIoEventLoop(asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) that wraps around Qt's event loop to enable Qt + asyncio.
**Memory leak with current asyncio example (or space leak?)
===19. January 2023===
**Hackathon in TQtC
**The WebAssembly PySide Team was almost doubled in size (+1 brain, +1 hand)
*Infra & Releases
**Windows signing to be improved.
**LTS releases into oss repo: some issues appeared but will be merged soon.
*Bugs & Features
**PYSIDE-1994: De-virtualization of Shiboken embedded Python files is now an option controlled dynamically by SBK_EMBED
***PYSIDE-1019: A dormant __feature__ initialization timing problem was fixed while implementing de-virtualization
**PYSIDE-1735: De-coupling of old and new enums was started
**PYSIDE-1564: Debugging of multiple inheritance continues
**Fixed some bluetooth functions in PySide6.
**Low Energy Scanner Example
**PYSIDE-2194: Progressing with this. Definitely a thread issue which allow-thread doesn't seem to fix.
**Possible solution for problems with PySide6 inside conda (compat package with qt6.conf file), but investigating if best solution
===12. January 2023===
**Next week is Hackathon, meeting will be shorter
**Discussion on how to gather information, and sharing material around Qt for Python
*Infra & Releases
**6.5 RC planning -> feature freeze for PySide
**6.4.2 was released last Monday
**CMake Jumbo builds issue with Windows signing
**LTS branches to land in pyside-setup soon
*Bugs & Features
**Async examples: addressing memory leak and cpu usage due to the event loop interactions
**Review conda packaging story and PySide6
**De-virtualization of Python files: still some issues
**Incompatibility with pywin32: __feature__ related when trying to check if the ext module uses PySide. Also related to an issue with the inspect module.
**Installing PySide6.support via CMake (was previously not considered)
**Work continues on the multiple inheritance issues related to classes based on QObject
**locate issues related to to* methods
**std::array support in shiboken (still in progress)
**fixing imports in matplotlib examples
**adaptation to 6.5
**splitting shiboken generator source to its own
**Android deployment works - tested on Widget applications
**Fixing QTBUG-109510 leading to discovering issues with certain functions in PySide6. Being fixed.
===5. January 2023===

*[[Qt for Python Development Notes 2023]]
**Next monday CI maintenance
*Infra & Releases
**5.15.12 LTS, 6.2.7 LTS released
**Open Source LTS releases to be moved to the pyside-setup
**6.4 CI hanging, issues on lts-5.15 due to Python
**6.4.2 to be release in the following days
*Bugs & Features
**PYSIDE-1931 SQL issue regarding allow-thread
**helping 6.5 translations
**Adaptations with 6.5
**QSharedPointer -> std::shared_ptr attempt
**research on adding std::span into shiboken
**PYSIDE-2160 properties qml types issues
**Tutorials language review
**Android research continues
**QTBUG-109510 BTLE issue on pyside


Revision as of 08:54, 20 December 2024


19. December 2024

  • General
    • We have reached 1 million downloads last month!!! Thanks everyone!
    • Team going on holiday break, back on the second week of January.
    • 7th of January we will have a Maintenance Break
  • Infra & Releases
    • Adding 3.13 to our CI configuration (Ubuntu 24.04) - in progress
    • Linking issue on macOS duplicating files.
    • To request extensions for PySide6_Essentials(20G) and PySide6_Addons (30G)
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-1057 Memory leak was fixed.
    • [Qt] 6.9 translation and API review
    • Fixing flake8 issues in our tests
    • Continue moving our code to fully qualify enums
    • Doc: improvements on module pages
    • qtpip: still figuring out a build/packaging issue.
    • Add QPdfOutputIntent missing binding
    • Some discussion about other missing bindings, that ended up being private API.
    • PYSIDE-2966 QScroller crash needs to be fixed (C++ example works, so it might be in our side)
    • WebView support for macOS (missing from the wheels)
    • qtpip: add --staging option! (some tweaking before it merged)
    • boot2qt: Doing new research to provide more tutorials. Checking QtCreator and Vscode compatibility ideas.
    • QML Next: new demo shared internally
    • Folding manager (binary size) development continues.
    • Trying to figure out the real motivation behind invalidate-after-use in shiboken

12. December 2024

  • General
    • Next week is the last before holiday break
    • Roadmap for 2025
    • RemoteObjects work in progress
      • Approach: Maintenance + Feature (as a twofold OKR)
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.5.8 has been ready for a couple of days, it will available to install this week.
  • Bugs & Features
    • DS patches still in progress
    • Adding new tests for the pyside6-deploy cases
    • PYSIDE-2946 smart pointer crash
    • PYSIDE-2948 state machine crash
    • QPyS - API check and improvements
    • PYSIDE-Docs: addressing a few small issues on the module main page
    • PYSIDE-2955 memory leak (it was in qt/cpp at the end)
    • PYSIDE-1057 signal sender memory leak
    • testing wheel script updated for addons wheels
    • missing bindings script was updated for a couple of compatibilities issues on versions and comparisons with pyqt
    • qtpip work continues (a known issue with openssl on windows, and a linking issue on macOS)
    • Examples: more changes for the grid, and adding documentation to a few ones that didn't have any.
    • QML Next: some research on an initial approach.
    • Boot2Qt tutorial being worked on
    • PYSIDE-2701: reduction of the binary sizes still in progress
      • code snippets as functions to avoid adding all the code many times
      • folding by similarity after extraction of parameters
    • Refactoring some of the build scripts in order to move away from the current setuptools override.

5. December 2024

  • General
    • Vacation season will start. Expect people being ooo in the following weeks.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.5.8 to be released soon.
    • 6.8.1 was released early this week.
  • Bugs & Features
    • planning a couple of features for qtpip (staging option)
    • improving the example documentation (moving around the grid)
    • android-deployment-tool (to automatically update NDK)
    • PYSIDE-2939 Fixing the MessageBox typing issue (removal of duplicated signatures)
    • PYSIDE-2941 Fixing issue of the Optional returns in some
    • PYSIDE-2541 Typing inference of QmlElement in the works
    • Wheel size reduction still in progress.
    • Multimedia player issue on Windows was solved (slider)
    • Webengine issue with spamming the same URL in a short period (it might be an underlying Qt issue)
      • We might need to update our browser examples.
    • Missing bindings script was missing a few modules types.
    • PYSIDE-2936 Issue with QtDBus
    • Python Scripting continues (bindings)
    • New releases
    • Python 3.8 leftover code was removed on dev
    • PYSIDE-2946 crash on smart pointers with classes depending on each other.
    • pyside6-project patches ready for review, and working on further DS issues.

28. November 2024

  • General
    • Qt Greece meetup!
    • New nuitka release (3.13 compat), it's already merged. A few PySide mentions in their changelog.
    • Discussion on new icons for our documentation.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.8.1 planned for tomorrow.
    • 6.5.8 commercial LTS will be released in the second half of December
  • Bugs & Features
    • Working on improving the examples grid and tutorial integration.
    • Typing issues work is done (a few ones left only)
    • Size reduction effort was restarted.
    • Function parameter names in the documentation.
    • Override caching speedup research
    • QtCreator plugin (QtPythonScripting)
    • Translations
    • Updating missing bindings tool
    • Testing wheels for new releases.
    • Discussion on missing bindings.
    • Continue the work on the DS integration.
    • Discussion on adding more features to the official Qt plugin for VSCode

21. November 2024

  • General
    • Feedback for the VSCode extension
    • Gathering a few ideas to smooth the functionality of the Python integration on QtCreator
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.8.1 to be release on the 29th of November
    • Testing Multimedia issues with plugins introduced in 6.8.1
    • Commercial wheels have a couple of unnecesary files. A report will be filed.
    • Maybe Qt for Python could be inside the Qt tree in the installer
  • Bugs & Features
    • Positional only parameters support was missing from the .pyi files and it's implemented now.
    • Property generation from the feature was missing from the .pyi files as well.
    • Added numpy support for QtGraph (issues with the submodule update, Unity)
    • New example from QtGraph was ported.
    • Flatpak app now supports 6.8
    • Android deploy windows support - in progress
    • research on Nuitka 2.5.1 update
    • Deployment for Design Studio work continues.
    • Python Scripting plugin for QtCreator was updated (research)
    • Python Scripting now has documentation!
    • PYSIDE-2916 Performance issues were addressed and we reached the same as PyQt
    • qDebug functions fixes (variable names) - from forum question
    • PYSIDE-2927 Broken build in yocto - submodule update revision.
    • Tutorials revision
      • Add tag to examples to group them into a category
      • Move tutorials to the examples to maintain them better.
      • Add information on the tutorials to find the previous/next steps

14. November 2024

  • General
    • Keynote at PyCon Sweden
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.8.1 preparations
  • Bugs & Features
    • Fixed deployment of QtWebView and Quick styles
    • Research on memory leaks in signal handling
    • Continued work on QtPythonScripting
    • Trying to add pyside6-android-deploy for Windows
    • Ported example zoomlinechart
    • Solved PYSIDE-2624: Position Only parameters.
      • A trivial change with quite some consequences on mypy-correctness.
    • PYSIDE-1019: mypy support for properties in __init__ functions almost ready.
      • This is a quite forgotten feature older than __feature__ that will be revived.

7. November 2024

  • General
    • QML next following up.
    • New hire joined the team!
  • Infra & Releases
    • 5.15.18 commercial LTS was released last Monday.
    • CI Maintenance break coming (Monday)
    • RC for 6.8.1 on Monday to test.
    • Linux on ARM is now built on Ubuntu 24.04
  • Bugs & Features
    • __all__ new amend due to an improvement idea.
    • rich comparison operators support for the type hints.
    • QWebEngineDesktopMediaRequest issue
    • Qt Python Scripting: add support for shared pointers and solving refcount issues
    • Designer planned improvements for the VScode extension
    • Qt Python Scripting: Looking at containers
    • Working on performance issues when overloading virtual functions
      • Remarks on caching the whole method, they might cause issues.
    • doc fixes: references and links were needed.
    • On-boarding and catching up with the project
    • Looking at a new examples to be ported
    • QtCreator issue when setting it up with MSVC
    • Cleaning up some old compatibility code (Python 2 times)
    • Improvements on the macro/function usage for the Limited API compatibility.

31. October 2024

  • General
    • Bug Fixing week
  • Infra & Releases
    • 5.15 integration was solved (Python 2 related) - 5.15.18 commercial LTS will be soon available.
    • Closing a few CI related bugs.
    • Debian 11 ARM configuration replaced by ubuntu 24.04
    • Qt 6.8.1 by the end of next month
    • SBOM changes will land in our repositories at some point
  • Bugs & Features
    • Documentation improvements (nesting inner classes into some modules)
    • doc: Adding a ad-hoc hack with a fake headline in order to get good search results
    • QPyS: Adapting for shared pointer
    • Fixing the __all__ re-definition that we have in our PySide6/__init__.py
    • Windows Debug Builds are showing a few issues

24. October 2024

  • General
    • Planning to make QtPythonScripting out.
    • QMLNext planning continues.
  • Infra & Releases
    • might go out soon considering the last issues that were discovered. Also to include the fix for the directory that made it incompatible with qtpip.
    • 5.15.18 Commercial LTS will be released by the end of the month
  • Bugs & Features
    • New maps demo is working.
    • Multimedia: Now we are using the plugins from the CI provisioning.
    • Reproducible builds for yocto.
    • 6.8.0 regression from the re-write of the signal&slot mechanism.
    • 'QPyS' (QtPythonScripting) work continues.
      • Ownership will not be an issue, because objects will live in C++.
      • smart pointers support are required for a QtC integration
      • From lua: they do have a way of use different pointers for the variables.
      • be careful with dynamic_cast
      • A sub-set of classes are exposed to lua only, so we might follow a similar approach.
      • Documentation is being updated
    • Updates to the new tutorials (PySide + other Python modules)
    • qtpip research on a staging option
    • VSCode extension: discussions on the PySide integration for the recently announced addon.
    • PYSIDE-2895 __all__ reproducible builds for Yocto
    • PYSIDE-2903 issues with '# type:' in the stubs
    • PYSIDE-2846 Adding documentation for the mypy support

17. October 2024

  • General
    • is fully compatible with Python 3.13.0, but the meta info of the wheels was wrong.
    • New intern joined the company, and will be helping with QtDS + Qt for Python integration
  • Infra & Releases
    • PySide 6.5.7 (commercial LTS) and 6.8.0 ( were released
    • 6.4.0 release was removed from PyPI (due to the existence of
    • qtpip 0.1.4 was released
    • Maintenance break in our CI: a few security changes were applied and we have new restrictions regarding the installation of other repositories
    • New limits will be requested to PyPI
    • Symbolic links in the macOS wheels are being copied a couple of times and not preserved.
    • libclang in our provisioning increased size, so we need to double check the wheel size.
    • Multimedia plugins on Windows are being copied to the wheel, they might be copied from install directly.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Finished the mypy checks and adding tests, hopefully merged soon.
      • in-place asymmetry seems to be an issue with some signatures.
    • PYSIDE-2891 32bit builds where broken, even if they are not supported it was addressed
    • PYSIDE-2893 6.8.0 doc regression was fixed
    • PYSIDE-2804 Custom enumerations in Qt Designer (not possible)
    • Qt 6.9 adaption in progress
    • OpenStreetMap demo being ported
    • Qt Scripting polishing a bit further
    • PYSIDE-2835 closed issue wrt sql+nuitka that broke after a new nuitka release.
    • Continue work on the Finances tutorial
    • pyside6-deploy command line simplification in progress

10. October 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • Preparing 6.8
    • Preparing 6.5.7
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2885 Fix build against read-only Qt
    • PYSIDE-2883 Fix incomplete/undocumented QtWebEngine API
    • Last minute fixes for 6.8, new QtWebEngine API
    • Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
    • PYSIDE-2850 More work on the Finance Manager Tutorial
    • pyside6-android-deploy fix for 6.8.0, and adding a new option to cross-compile tool to just download Android NDK and SDK.
    • Update pyside6-android-deploy documentaion.

3. October 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • Preparing for 6.8
  • Bugs & Features
    • Various documentation fixes
    • Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
    • Porting further C++ demos
    • pyside6-deploy support for design studio
    • qtpip support for Android wheels
    • Update flatpak baseapp to 6.7.3

26. September 2024

  • General
    • Python Scripting: We might need to figure out ownership in order to embed into other C++ apps.
    • DS integration: workaround to deploy with the following version (with no other python files) but there has been work on improving it for the next release.
    • Intern starting on Oct 1st
  • Infra & Releases
    • Preparing 6.7.3 (waiting for qt release)
    • Commercial LTS 6.5.7 to be released soon (changelog pending to be merged)
    • qtpip 0.1.3 to be released soon.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Updating and completing documentation
    • PYSIDE-2870 fixed (QStateMachine.postEvent causes a crash)
    • Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
    • pyside6-deploy changes for QtDS projects + corresponding changes in upcoming DS releases (needs work by DS team)- https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/592554
    • qtpip adaptation for newer pip versions + commercial wheel preference over lts wheels
    • Finance Manager Tutorial - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/592131
    • Type hints: Analysis for multi-signature problem (overloads). 600 errors -> 46 ! (from mypy)
      • override: inheritance issue with specific fields
      • overload/overlap: diff return types
      • some dunder methods might need special treatment.

19. September 2024

  • General
    • Promoting the idea of writing Python plugins for Qt/C++ interfaces.
      • we most probably rely on libshiboken for having consistency in the PythonScripting module and PySide
    • Participation in Meeting C++
    • PyCon Sweden participation
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.2.13 Commercial LTS was released
    • qtpip update to be release in order to fix a few wheel names issues.
    • Preparing for 6.8.0, and 6.7.3
    • PySide6_DS 4.6 by the end of September
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2839 type hints for custom signals
    • PYSIDE-2846 Fixing a lot of type errors from examples and tests
      • Currently on one of the last big issues related to overloads, optional unions, false-positives
    • 6.7.3, 6.8.0 changelogs
    • Python 3.13 checks and fixing compatibilities
    • Continue work on PythonScripting (Scrypt)
    • PYSIDE-2863 lupdate issue
    • PYSIDE-2845 snake_case conflict with C++ API
    • Fixing examples deprecations
    • Updating generated UI files
    • Working on a new tutorial to mix PySide with other Python modules
    • qtpip fixing resolution for naming and JSON new structure
    • QMLNext research continues

12. September 2024

  • General
    • Team back from Qt Contributor summit
  • Infra & Releases
    • Preparing 6.7.3
    • Preparing 6.2.13
    • Starting to switch to 6.8
  • Bugs & Features
    • Release Notes in documentation change read. Could be targeted for 6.8.
    • Currently working on a QtQuick Finance-Manager tutorial using PySide6 as frontend, and FastApi + Pydantic + SqlAlchemy as backend. This will be a 4 part tutorial with each part extending the previous one.
    • PYSIDE-2846 - towards MyPy testing of type hints
      • Good progress in different error categories. Crucial was to make defaults hashable.
      • First removal of duplications was quite effective. More difficult removals are "same type, different variable name" etc.
      • Overlapping signatures need a deep analysis. From 601 errors down to 294.
    • PYSIDE-2859 Implemented QAbstractItemModel::multiData/QModelRoleDataSpan
    • PYSIDE-2861 Fixed pyside6-project with relative paths for lupdate
    • Fixed some compiler warnings/clang-tidy

05. September 2024

  • General
    • Team mostly at QtCS
  • Infra & Releases
    • Starting to switch to 6.8
  • Bugs & Features
    • Fixed a potential memory corruption in enum converter generation
    • PYSIDE-2851 Tricky bug with @Slot(name=) no working. Still investigating.
    • Adapting deployment and other things to 6.8. Some existing bugs and ToDo were solved.
    • Working on creating a "Release Notes" page in Qfp documentation parsing from 'doc/changelogs'
    • Competitor research for potential new features

29. August 2024

  • General
    • Continue discussion on a better qml integration
  • Bugs & Features
    • Added pyside6-svgtoqml - 6.8
    • Added missing binaries to 6.8. This include some QtQuick modules.
    • Deprecated ToDo fixed in pyside6-deploy
    • Updated Nuitka version to 2.4.8
    • Code Design simplification of pyside6-deploy
    • PYSIDE-2835 - error message setup in pyside6-deploy. Issue raised in Nuitka.
    • PYSIDE-2846 - towards MyPy testing of type hints
      • Reformatted helper functions in generate_pyi with class methods
      • Changed all typing classes to have prefix "typing" against name clashes (tricky)
      • Started systematic fixture of errors: 533 in 7 categories (was 601 before prefix). Seeking general fixture algorithms.
    • PYSIDE-2701 Add a Benchmark batch script to measure progress

22. August 2024

15. August 2024

  • General
    • Bug fixing weekS (2 weeks)
    • Planning for future work on QtDS
  • Infra & Releases
    • Fixing an issue to properly discover the installed WebEngine
    • Note: 6.5 aarch64 releases are only around for PySide, not Qt/C++.
    • Continue work on libclang pre-built on windows arm64
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2833 Doc changes: qml tutorials, re-gen docs to fix
    • Updated Qt Python Scripting (QtPyScript? name to be confirmed)
    • 6.7.3 changelog preparation
    • Adjusting branches, because of missing patches.
    • pyi: fixing more issues
    • research on improving the qml + python interaction

8. August 2024

  • General
    • Talk accepted for KDE Akademy: "Pythonizing Qt"
    • Qt Contributor summit session to work with people from the Squish team.
    • An intern will most probably join the team.
  • Infra & Releases
    • PySide6_DS will remain being available only for Windows/Linux x86_64 and macOS universal, no aarch64 for Linux
    • Research continues on Windows arm64
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2384 Enum as Sequences issues on Python 3.11
    • Signal Manager massive refactoring
    • qmlimportscanner new option to exclude directories (for our tooling)
    • PYSIDE-2833 loadFromModule should be used for QML projects
    • Fixes in the documentation
    • 6.8 adaption
    • Create the KDE documentation for using the PySide BaseApp for Flatpak (on review)
    • Improving the documentation, getting ideas from other frameworks/projects. We will try to keep old links working with some alias, and fixing many broken links.
    • Continue fixing pyi issues
    • Discussion on the next steps on the QtDS integration

2. August 2024

25. July 2024

  • General
    • Plan with some brainstorming ideas from last session.
  • Infra & Releases
    • tqtc/dev branch still broken. Waiting for Finland to come back from vacation :D
    • DS wheels still need to be tested
  • Bugs & Features
    • arm64 shiboken generator not properly working (libclang)
    • flatpak support: patch was merged, and there were a couple of issues that have a possible fix. After that, the KDE documentation will be modified in order to offer the option for users to use PySide as well.
    • scikit-build research
    • signature compression research: dealing with some last details.
      • fullname field, and compression of the strings.
    • no-gil research will re-start next month, in order to address the new changes from cpython
    • Type hints issues being worked out.

18. July 2024

  • General
    • We got a talk accepted at Akademy 2024.
    • September 11th is the limit to submit features for PySide 6.8.0
  • Infra & Releases
    • Flaky macOS failures were addressed
    • PySide6 Design Studio wheels to be tested
  • Bugs & Features
    • Work on PYSIDE-2701 - Binary size reduction
      • LZMA compression moved to ZLIB and C++. Compression on Windows 8.7 %, macOS 4.7 %
      • Study of pybind11/nanobind continues.
      • Overlap with PYSIDE-2404: Startup time optimization of ZLIB compression almost ready.
    • Finding some use-cases from PySide users during EuroPython.
    • Flatpak recipes are ready to be tested, meaning projects relying on flatpak (like KDE) will be able to use PySide in their builds :D
    • macOS multimedia missing plugins.
    • QtWebView might be added for completeness.
    • Feedback from EuroPython: More tutorials, and examples with applied cases, rather than too basic or too advanced ones.

11. July 2024

  • General
    • Two members of the team at Europython
  • Bugs & Features
    • Work on PYSIDE-2701 - Binary size reduction
      • An LZMA compressor has been written in Python and C++ with 4.5% win.
      • Reimplementation in C++ only is even easier. (when considered worth it)
      • Study of pybind11/nanobind implementation
    • Work on PYSIDE-2803 - qmlimportscanner and Windows cmd line length limitation
    • Refactoring and cleanup of the Signals/Slot handling code
    • Added missing libraries for the QtMultiMedia ffmpeg plugin on macOS

4. July 2024

  • General
    • Next week, two members of the team will be at Europython
    • Don't forget QtWS 2025 submissions (Until first days of August)
    • We might get the help from an intern.
  • Infra & Releases
  • Bugs & Features
    • Fixed PYSIDE-2790: Implemented task "uncancelling" and cancel count mechanism
    • Fixed PYSIDE-2799: Turns out cancelling handles when cancelling tasks can cause issues
    • PYSIDE-2798 might not be (easily) fixable entirely
      • Qt and asyncio collide when Qt shuts everything down too early for asyncio's liking, e.g. when closing the window.
      • Setting keep_running=True is probably a suitable workaround.
    • Submitted cherry-picks to 6.7 for a number of changes (mostly QtAsyncio) where the pick-to line was forgotten
    • PYSIDE-2701 activities:
      • implemented removal of the fullName field
      • started implementation of common function end replacement
      • started work on SignatureStrings compression with LZMA
    • PYSIDE-2793 (PYSIDE-1057) Memory leak in slot connection. Some were fixed, but there is still one that's very old (PYSIDE-79)
    • singleShot newly added signature has some complications when disconnected
    • NumPy 2.0 compatibility patches were merged.
    • Signal Handling research and review
    • PYSIDE-2192 Input hook handling (for matplotlib) was addressed thank to some suggestion.
    • PYSIDE-2805 Suggestion overload QMessageBox.open for passing a new slot.
    • 6.8 Adaption continues.
    • PYSIDE-2803 support bug on windows with pyside6-deploy command too long
    • Flatpak: shiboken is building, but pyside has some issues still.
    • Research on windows arm64
    • Testing DS packages

27. June 2024

  • General
    • Python language summit blog posts.
  • Infra & Releases
    • Android wheels configuration is running OK.
    • Feature freeze for 6.8 on September 11 (for Qt/C++ RC release)
    • Tweaks for the Qt for Python deployment internal guide for Raspberry Pi.
  • Bugs & Features
    • QtDS: packages ready to go out after CI configuration.
    • QtDS: export option within the tool planned in 2 weeks.
    • qmlnext: the issue with the example task was find and solved.
    • PYSIDE-2786 Preparation (future statement) of new syntax for Python 3.9
      • then checkin of deferred 3.10 changes was done.
    • PYSIDE-2701 activities:
      • Removal of generated fullname field (in progress)
      • Further analysis of possible folding savings
      • Revived the 2019 PySide 2 comparison viewer
    • PYSIDE-2795 FreeCAD problem was solved.
    • PYSIDE-2792 Nested class QMetaObject::Connection (for custom Connection classes)
    • 6.8 QtGraph examples. The module keeps changing.
    • PYSIDE-2793 memory leak on modbus client.
    • Nuitka upgrade 2.3.7: issues with Python 3.12 were fixed.
    • Some new issues and limitations on the android ci conf (building python from source)
    • Flatpak task continues, and people from KDE is involved in the discussion.
    • pyside6-deploy support case with command line length limitations
    • PYSIDE-2790 Few new bug reports related to QtAsyncio: uncancel not implemented.
    • QtAsyncio cancel errors are not propagated.

20. June 2024

  • General
    • Interviews going on for a new position and internship.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.7.2 was released last Tuesday
    • QtDS package is currently awaiting approval from the team.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Android wheels patch integrating. Windows signing issue hopefully fixed.
    • PYSIDE-2781 - Nuitka sporadic failure with Python 3.12. Collaborating with Kay, and with help from ctismer, the issue is fixed. Was caused due to bytecode handling of Nuitka.
    • PYSIDE-2702 - Flatpak progressing. Discussion with QtCreator led to the impression that an Flatpak extension would be better than Flatpak Baseapp.
      • This enable PySide6 to be bundled with the QtCreator flatpak app
    • Follow-up patches from the internal QtAsyncio presentation.
    • There are two functions in asyncio that are not properly documented.
    • Type hints:
      • Discussion about updating the generator, in order to use 3.10+ notation (even if we are compatible with 3.9). Possibility to use 'from __future__ import annotations'
    • PYSIDE-2701 - Binary reduction approach ideas
    • QtDS exporting python files will be started soon.
    • Improved QML integration being studied.

13. June 2024

  • General
    • Python 3.9 story: the decision was made without considering that 3.9 is still getting security releases, so we have decided to keep supporting Python 3.9 for PySide 6.8 LTS, but we might drop it in the middle of some bug-fix releases.
      • Things that are considered to support certain python versions are: Internal CI Python versions for each OS, Python version lifecycle https://devguide.python.org/versions/, features that will improve user experience from new versions.
      • Python stubs (pyi) might be compatible with 3.10+
    • Qt Group is sponsoring EuroPython 2024: and we will give a talk!
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.7.2 packages are ready to be released.
    • Boot2Qt had a few issues that were solved.
    • Starting process to test windows arm64 (discussion around libclang)
    • Nightly builds:
      • Possible solution for linux and macOS arm64 android builds.
      • Maybe also for non-unity builds? it has been failing in some corner cases.
      • We could have dev-android branch so we don't block the normal dev development.
      • nightly builds merge automatically if everything passes.
      • PyPy integrations might join a similar configuration as well.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Android wheels from macOS host through coin successful. Assembling the final patch. Coin still running tests for an Android build and error-ing still needs to be resolved.
    • PYSIDE-2702 - Flatpak base app implementation started.
    • PYSIDE-2781 - pyside6-deploy failure investigation ongoing. Could be a Nuitka issue. User using the latest Nuitka.
    • Working on improve our typing implementations.
    • QtAsyncio: internal presentation including the theory behind and some live examples.
    • Lazy load: disabled for PyPy, fixing some shiboken-tests
    • QtScrypt: development continues
    • PYSIDE-2780 refcount bug in the lazy import fixed
    • PYSIDE-2751 3.13 compatibility patches are ready, nogil under development
    • PYSIDE-2701 reduction of binary sizes under investigation, estimating the achievable reduction

06. June 2024

  • General
    • Maintenance work next week will keep the CI offline (Monday morning, phase I + Wednesday, phase II)
    • PySide 6.8 will support Python 3.10+
    • Must read https://peps.python.org/pep-0741/
  • Infra & Releases
    • Some issues with the macOS CI units.
    • Local raspberry pi 4 (aarch64) for testing:
    • qtpip 0.1.2 release: mostly issues around the commercial version tag and the usage of '+' and '.'
    • 6.5.6 commercial LTS was released.
    • 6.7.2 release will happen soon (due to an issue with designer)
    • the Python 3.9 macOS CI configuration will be updated to 3.11, and the windows with 3.11 will be updated to 3.12
  • Bugs & Features
    • https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2622 - Standalone mode for Deployment as per many requests from users
    • Deployment tests fixed with a custom PySide6 build. There might be corner cases that were missed.
    • https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/537466 ready, but waiting for macOS x86_64 to update Python to 3.11 - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qt5/+/565565/4 (Thanks Simo)
    • Patches ready for updating python syntax to drop typing.Optional (and use | instead) that will go in once we drop 3.9
    • Preparing presentation and improvements to QtAsyncio
    • PYSIDE-2440 will be prepared.
    • op codes changing in Python, is altering some of our internal implementation, like the forgiveness mode.
    • https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2751 planned work for the no-gil feature in Python 3.13
    • smart pointers with lazy loading were not working, but a fix was merged.
    • Qt Designer had a regression that motivated 6.7.2
    • Qt 6.8 adaption taking a lot of work due to doc changes and QtGraphs
    • PYSIDE-2772 issue ended up being a user problem

30. May 2024

  • General
    • PySide 6.8 will most probably support Python 3.10+
    • Evaluating arm64 wheels for Windows
  • Infra & Releases
    • Discussion about the Qt for Python in boot2qt
    • PyPy releases has been on hold due to some internal CI problems.
    • Commercial packages will now be available on the following day after community packages.
    • qtpip is planned to support aarch64
    • 6.5.6 commercial lts will be released next week
  • Bugs & Features

23. May 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • Preparing 6.7.1 with a lot of fixes
    • 5.15.17 LTS released
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2747 Fixed PySide to run on Fedora 40 with 3.12-3
    • PYSIDE-2749 Worked on a performance regression related to Lazy Init
    • PYSIDE-2758 Added QQuickWebEngineProfile.setUrlRequestInterceptor()
    • PYSIDE-2762 Fixed a type hinting bug
    • Brushed up and fixed a few examples
    • 6.8 Adaption
    • Python 3.13 check
    • PYSIDE-2751 Python 3.13 first step towards --disable-gil compatibility (no ob_refcnt)
    • pyside6-deploy. Ignore files with .webp, .cpp.o, .qsb and .qen extension as Nuitka errors with them.
    • Close to macOS cross compilation

16. May 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • 5.15.17 commercial lts needs to be re-packaged one more time due to 3rd party components updates.
    • 6.7.1 release will also be re-packed. LE for release is 20th of May
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2753 - Added missing libQt6DeclarativeOpcUa binary to wheels
    • PYSIDE-2750 - Added missing libQt6VirtualKeyboardSettings binary to wheels
    • Exclude .qsb, .webp, .cpp.o and .qen from deployment due to Nuitka error. Error report raised in Nuitka - https://github.com/Nuitka/Nuitka/issues/2854
    • Working on macOS cross compilation. The clang parser of shiboken generator needs some changes for cross compilation. Tricky changes incoming.
    • PYSIDE-2748 - Fixed a type hint error
    • PYSIDE-2747 - Diagnostics and minor fixes for a crash on Fedora, no real fix though
    • PYSIDE-2711 - Fixed a bug in QWidget/QObject.parent()
    • Work on type discovery in libshiboken, added helpers to dump internal state, performance considerations
    • PYSIDE-2620 - Adapting to 6.8
    • PYSIDE-2745 - Fixed a bug with exceptions in 0-delay singleShot timer slots
    • PYSIDE-2404 - Lazy Loading completed by supporting subtypes. This gives 8-9% more performance.
    • Support for Python 3.13 started - first compatibility before switching to disable-gil
    • Possibilities explored to lazy load signatures or save space.

2. May 2024

  • General
    • OKR reviews for the next quarter.
    • Got a long document with feedback of a few tools we provided, that will help us improving our tooling!
    • Started the planning of moving away from '<file>.pyproject' to 'pyproject.toml' for pyside projects, in order to add options for our tools.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 5.15.17 commercial lts needs to be re-packaged due to 3rd party components updates.
    • 6.7.1 to be released next week.
    • Add new mechanism to test snapshot wheels.
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2698 - ListProperty features fixed. Added tests to check all the features.
    • PYSIDE-2705 - issues with signal disconnect warnings fixed
    • macOS cross compilation for Android - stuck on a CMake issue. Progressing well.
    • PYSIDE-2709 - Analysis ongoing for this QML registration regression
    • Work on improving/documenting type discovery in shiboken
    • Enumeration support in QtScrypt
    • PYSIDE-2676 - PEP 697 extension in Python 3.12 fixed
    • BT bug research, cannot be reproduced and application doesn't hang. Connection is not successful.
      • Issue might require special hw
    • Documenting QtAsyncio implementation details.
      • An internal presentation is being prepared.
    • Possible QtAsyncio feature, 'run' supporting context managers.
    • macOS cross compilation for android being tried

25. April 2024

  • General
    • Successful talk at PyCon DE. Good response.
  • Infra & Releases
    • Preparing 6.7.1
    • 5.15.17 Commercial LTS is also soon to be prepared
    • sccache seems to be not properly behaving (on windows) because we are not getting enough output.
    • PySide6_DS wheel to be adjusted and hopefully be released soon.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Added a number of new classes
    • PYSIDE-2676 issues on ubuntu (might be related to a windows issue as well)
    • Implementation of Lazy Groups in order to avoid the regression in 6.7.0 due to multiple inheritance.
    • Alternative for Lazy Groups (Fix for the regression on 6.7.0)
      • Work on regressions introduced by lazy initialization PYSIDE-2675
    • Work on a crash in Python 3.12 PYSIDE-2676
    • Fixed memory leaks PYSIDE-1617
    • Work on our QML list property support PYSIDE-2698
    • Added pyside6-balsamui (ui tool for pyside6-balsam) - PYSIDE-2629
    • Also checking out List Property error with `count` and `at` parameters - PYSIDE-2698
    • Updating old example (calqlatr) - https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/523055 for responsive layout
    • QtAsyncio: refinements to the current implementation, and solved a bug report.
      • Trying to add support to Keyboard interruptions (handlers)
      • Plan to improve exceptions handling

18. April 2024

  • General
    • Bug fixing week
    • PyConDE (Mon-Wed next week)
    • Planning a workshop for TQtC solution engineers (internal)
    • Possibility to include shiboken into the Axivion infra
  • Infra & Releases
    • 5.15.17 commercial LTS was postponed to Friday. Still need test on Windows.
    • 6.5.6 release planned
    • 6.7.1 release has been postponed to the first week of May
    • DS-compatibility wheel postponed due to CI issues
    • We might need to create a testing platform in order to check other errors that are not detectable with simple tests.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Few new type hints issues from 6.7.0 release, needs to be address on 6.7.1
    • QtAsyncio issue related to Task groups. Tricky, because it can be related to Qt Events.
    • PYSIDE-2629 Adding more Qt-tools to the wheels
    • PYSIDE-2622 Adding a new option to the deploy tool (exposing an option from Nuitka)
    • PYSIDE-2675 Lazy loading issues with trees of polymorphic classes.
      • first approach made things less effective
      • The impact of the solution was reduced a bit, by disabling the feature for special multiple-inheritance cases
      • New idea on 'groups' that be handled differently, so we have group or classes grouped and dependant
    • 825 qml bug is still around
      • PYSIDE-2676 seems to be a new approach to fix it
    • A few customer bugs made it the bug fixing week.
    • PYSIDE-2675 type discovery code, class inheritance
    • QtAudio -> QAudio refactory
    • Virtual function compatibility to modify the signature (from typesystem)
    • PYSIDE-2492 uic issues for Enum compatibility
      • More improvements for Python projects (import options)
    • PYSIDE-2685 nan type definition
    • Removing code from shiboken
    • 6.8 Adaption already started
    • PYSIDE-2689 sphinx directives doesn't seems to be compatible with the search context.

11. April 2024

  • General
    • Bug fixing week.
    • Qt 6.6.3 Library split broke our release, so we provided as a fix.
    • Qt 6.7.0 also had an issue with a binary incompatibility change on QtAudio and QAudio
    • Maybe we implement a simple channel of communicating this details, in order to avoid breakage [maybe architect meetings]
    • Qt Creator 13 creates venvs automatically. This needs to be revisited to avoid multiple environments to be created.
    • New epics with brainstorming ideas.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.7.0 was released, we found a couple of issues we are trying to solve, and 6.7.1 will soon be released due to a binary compatibility break, and other small breakage.
    • 5.15.17 commercial LTS to be release next week.
    • QtDS packages a bit delay due to CI errors.
    • Qt Installer (Maintenance tool) has still some issues with the structure.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Adding new Qt tools to the wheels (wrappers)
    • PYSIDE-2602 special virtual function research
    • PYSIDE-2669 designer issue
    • PYSIDE-2675 Addressing the lazy import issues that were found in 6.7.0
      • Studying the possible solution, but it needs to consider other cases as well.
      • the *-import handling seems to be related, and affecting the mro content, duplicating some entries.
      • the type discovery handler might be related as well
    • Still working on the qml 825 bug issues.

4. April 2024

  • General
    • Large part of the team at conferences/on Easter holiday
  • Infra & Releases
    • Released release with fixes for Quick Controls/Multimedia
    • Preparing for 6.7.0
  • Bugs & Features

28. March 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • Prepared release; 6.6.3 was unfortunately broken due to missing libraries (Quick Controls/Multimedia)
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2654 Fixed multiple inheritance when no __init__ is in a subclass
    • Still investigating a crash on Ubuntu with Python 3.12 and bug_825.py . The crash is deeply hiding in Qt6.
    • PYSIDE-2652 Fixed an int overflow
    • PYSIDE-2649 Work on building without OpenGL
    • PYSIDE-2653 Fixed a syntax error in type hints

21. March 2024

  • General
    • Ideas to improve the module.
    • Most of the team is going on vacation the following weeks.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.7.0 to be released the first week of April [delayed]
    • 6.2.12 Commercial LTS to be release in the following days [delayed]
    • 6.6.3 to be release next week [delayed]
  • Bugs & Features
    • 6.8 adaption patches are being worked
    • PYSIDE-2638 fix crash QLayout when None is passed
    • Documentation updates: for tooling and examples.
    • QtRhi missing API provided
    • Memory leak regression being worked out
    • Shiboken Qt namespaces patches being cherry picked to previous versions.
    • Android deployment and qml tool documentations
    • Android wheels generation on the CI process is being improved.
    • Debugging deep into Nuitka to understand a problem with the lazy loading functionality.
    • QAsyncio bug fixed
    • Adding more tools docs pages for our tools.

14. March 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.7.0 in preparation, docs adjustments and new pages will come. Branching on Monday.
    • 6.2.12 LTS release in preparation.
    • 6.6.3 will be release next week.
    • qtpip 0.1.1 to be released
    • dev is already Python 3.8 free, and we support 3.9+ for 6.7+
  • Bugs & Features
    • Triaging and fixing issues in general: 2638 layout crash.
    • PYSIDE-2690 namespaces support continues
    • Lazy initialization got merged
      • New improvements might land in future versions
    • PYSIDE-2635 OpcUA example problem
    • PYSIDE-2633 remoteobjects issue
    • Using new icons on the examples
    • Testing libclang 18
    • QObject.connect bug when a callable is a QObject (workaround with manual overload)
    • QIOPipe implementation for QAsyncio (base in the Qt/C++ one)
    • New use cases for QAsyncio and aiohttp
    • permission API changes got merge
    • android wheel compilation was adapted for qt 6.7.0 (PR on python-for-android was merged)
    • PYSIDE-1639 QLocale issue was fixed

07. March 2024

  • General
    • Participation in FOSS Backstage
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.5.5 Commercial LTS was released
    • 5.15.13 OSS Package will be released tomorrow
    • qtpip 0.1.1 release delayed
    • Python 3.8 deprecation is still pending due to CI configuration dependencies.
  • Bugs & Features
    • permission api changes are mostly merged, one pending https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/536759/15
    • all deployment fixes are in.
    • lazy initialization work continues, and some issues were fixed already.
      • Ubuntu 22.04 | Python 3.10.2 |is showing an issue with scriptableapplication
    • Continue implementing more API for QtAsyncio which is currently working well
    • two pending change for 6.7.0 and 6.6.3 to be merged.
    • PYSIDE-2590 qt namespaces support required a patch for Qt/C++
    • PYSIDE-2619 gentoo issue with a build
    • PYSIDE-2624 typing issue with '/' is being researched
    • Qt Icon Teams issues were discovered
    • PYSIDE-2602 virtual function research on a special signature
    • One regression related to the QObject.connect changes.

29. February 2024

  • General
    • Leap day!
    • Documentation changes
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.7.0 will drop support of Python 3.8
    • 6.5.5 to be released in the following days
    • 6.7.0 RC marks our feature freeze, some exceptions will be discussed in order to release on time.
    • qtpip 0.1.1 to be released soon for new indexing and shiboken_wizard package
    • General update of Python versions in our CI configuration is being planned (for dev-6.7)
  • Bugs & Features
    • PYSIDE-2599 QMatrix3x3 issues with QVariant
    • PYSIDE-2605 Embedding an application, using .style() - qAPP
    • PYSIDE-2590 QT_NAMESPACES support
    • PYSIDE-2602 clash on signature for QtWebEngine returning tuple
    • Preparing 6.5.5 and 6.7.0 releases.
    • PYSIDE-2612 CMake issue from Anaconda builds when find_package
    • macOS permissions changes are almost all merged
    • Windows BTLE services crash
    • QIO-class are required for some new QAsyncio API using pipes
    • Lazy loading moving forward, but still a few issues are around
      • A couple of shiboken tests seems to have outdated imports that are not helping.
      • shiboken compatibility types missing
    • Typing issues being solved in order to improve the pyi quality

22. February 2024

  • General
    • Brainstorming discussion about new JIRA items.
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.6.2 was released!
    • qtpip getting a new minor version in order to be able to install new shiboken wizard
  • Bugs & Features
    • Permission API issue failing on the release framework. QtLocation problems were addressed.
    • QtAsyncio blog post was published.
    • Definition of done for QtAsyncio story, some functions will be implemented, but other ones (until reaching the whole set of user facing API) will be implemented in the future.
    • Lazy initialization of numpy support in PySide, to improve the general lazy loading effort.
    • Starting documenting pyside6-* tools
    • PYSIDE-2610 Qt3D issues
    • 6.7 adaption was a lot of work, namespaces were something tricky.
    • 6.7 changelog drafted.
    • Started to improve the type hinting issues.

15. February 2024

  • General
    • Brainstorming session was held.
    • Europython Call for Proposal is open!
  • Infra & Releases
    • 6.6.2 release waiting for Qt/C++ packages to be done.
    • Commercial 6.5.5 LTS to be out next week.
    • Some improvements to the CI and macOS behavior
    • Cherry pick bot on commercial repositories.
  • Bugs & Features
    • singleShot changes are merged, keep an eye on strange behavior.
    • 6.7 adaption: metaobjectdump improvements
    • 6.6.2 fixes with the commercial shibokenwizard
    • lupdate support for pyside improved (qm files)
    • pyside6-project problems with dry-run were fixed. Some improvements planned.
    • CI android wheels upgrade [skip armv7 in the meantime]
    • Lazy imports research continues, we see lots of improvements on apple M* devices.

8. February 2024

  • General
    • We got a PyConDE 2024 talk accepted (python -> android deployment)!
  • Infra & Releases
    • Addressing some issues with the android wheels
    • 6.6.2 got delayed until next week
    • Preparing for the 6.7 switch on dev
  • Bugs & Features
    • macOS: permission api patches ready for review
    • singleShot patches merged
    • Lazy initialization was finished, and ready for discussion.
    • Check compatibility with the new REST module (from Qt/C++)
    • Preparations for 6.7 continues.

1. February 2024

  • General
    • Interest from KDE to enable flatpak packages (maybe base pyside app).
    • Discussion on adding more tutorials of specific functionality.
    • CI Maintenance Break next Monday (first Monday of each month)
  • Infra & Releases
    • no unity build discussion and checks
    • 6.6.2 to be released next week.
    • More granularity on the commercial wheels: shiboken wizard wheel.
  • Bugs & Features
    • singleShot timer implementation (to use underlying c++ impl) - still an issue with a context object, and a signal as a functor. A new QObject::connect might handle the situation. More changes to come in order to fix newly discovered issues.
    • Android: using the master branch on python-for-android, and other changes related for macOS deployment.
    • PYSIDE-2597 optimization for the deployment procedure
    • Lazy initialization: works continues, and it's looking good. 13 bugs to go on lazy mode. The new implementation seems to be working better.
    • 6.7 adaptation still in progress (many changes from Qt)
    • General documentation adjustments
    • Improvements on shiboken: better error messages
    • Qt Namespaces compatibility attempts.
    • Moving away from a couple of setup.py options towards pyproject.toml after upgrading 'build' to 1.0.x
    • Design Studio compatibility wheel work continues

25. January 2024

  • General
    • Configuring additional embedded devices for RTA
    • Focus on spending some time on embedded linux, in order to see usability, and compatibility with Boot2Qt images.
    • Conferences: submissions to PyCon SK, PyCon DE, PyCon LT, PyCon US
  • Infra & Releases
    • Decouple of the commercial wheels in order to have a finer granularity and simpler tree on the Qt Installer (Maintenance Tool)
    • Qt for Python 6.6.2 is waiting for Qt to be released (by the end of the month)
    • The next 5.15.13 LTS open source release will include a new fix for a missing symbol (PyIndex_Check)
    • New CI configuration without '--unity' for manual testing, to spot issues.
  • Bugs & Features
    • VS Code will use .flake8 (formerly setup.cfg) file for configuration once merged
    • PYSIDE-2575: Added a new argument to QtAsyncio to configure whether the QCoreApplication at the core of QtAsyncio should be shut down when asyncio finishes (requested by user).
    • SingleShot timer issue: Slight "complexity explosion" because correct implementation for one case requires implementation of QObject.connect overload with context arguments (and we implement QObject.connect ourselves, see PySide::qobjectConnectCallback).
    • Scripting: code simplification, and massage it to a Qt module.
    • Documentation updates to fix issues we had.
    • Unity build some issues when building without.
    • 6.7 updates, adapting some warning messages
    • QTBUG-99313 related issues
    • macOS permissions: made an example to work (for deployed apps) - patches incoming
    • Android wheels provisioning and configuration in order to generate the base-wheels.
    • armv7 complications due to an upstream find_python command.
    • Lazy initialization: re-wrote approach from scratch, to reduce the patches to one that can be analyzed easily. Some complications with this approach that needs to be improve. It can be tried with https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/pyside/pyside-setup/+/496118
    • Moving entry_points declaration to pyproject.toml from setup.py
    • Drop the bdist_wheel steps from the CI (old wheels)
    • Started working on split commercial wheels, wheels for QtDS and examples on QtCreator.

18. January 2024

  • General
  • Infra & Releases
    • Commercial LTS 6.2.11 was released
    • Add missing tags OSS LTS 5.15.x
    • 6.6.2 scheduled by the end of the month
    • Release documentation to be written to have tasks on JIRA
  • Bugs & Features
    • Python Scripting: looking into stable API, and cleanup
    • PYSIDE-2577 doxygen issue
    • PYSIDE-2570 closing some roadmap items
    • Polishing documentation to use more sphinx directives
    • Qt 6.7 adaption
    • Addressing some flake8 issues in the build_script
    • macOS permission API work continues: limitation for interpreted script, only compatible when deployed. Working around nuitka.
    • singleShot: trying to solve a corner case when no sender is specified (for using the C++ function directly)
    • Fixing some CI problems with 3.11 -> 3.12 changes.
    • PYSIDE-2404 adding more information regarding the lazy evaluation, new approach might work.
    • pyside6 is now an official recipe on the python-for-android!
    • Improvements to the doc build process

11. January 2024

  • General
    • Hackathon at TQtC
    • CI process presentation
  • Infra & Releases
    • Commercial LTS 6.5.4 release starting (to be finished today)
    • Commercial LTS 6.2.11 still pending release
    • 6.6.2 schedule by the end of the month.
    • CI still showing some issues after the maintenance break.
    • Update of the Python versions are pending.
  • Bugs & Features
    • Fixing a few small issues with QtAsyncio
    • Documentation for the QtAsyncio is currently in review.
    • New behavior for singleShot (relying on the C++ impl)
    • macOS request permission API work continues.
    • 6.7 adaptions patches
    • M2M fixes on the current impl
    • Native interfaces were added (new ones) to public headers
    • favicon issue with out docs
    • Making our doc diagram generation optional
    • Improvements for the doc build process

04.January 2024

  • General
    • Happy new year fellow readers :D
    • New OKR organization
    • Keeping in an eye on Conferences
    • PyPy is now on 3.10
    • Ideas on the wheel organization for the Qt Installer
  • Infra & Releases
    • CI Maintenance break continues. Some new issues were discovered.
    • Pending releases: 6.2.11 and 6.5.4
    • Android wheels for testing purposes are available (not for production)
    • Xcode issues with a new M3
    • Planning the inclusion of Python 3.12 in the CI
  • Bugs & Features
    • async: A few bug fixes were pushed and ready for review
    • async: the module is missing from our docs
    • async: we have been getting some interests from users, so new issues are appearing.
    • new android tag added to the examples for a better browsing
    • pyside6 designer pyenv crash was fixed
    • pyside cmake module update crash was fixed
    • working on the request permission API for macOS
    • docs: free functions as separate section and other improvements
    • Python scripting in c++ works continues
    • PyPy 3.10 compatibility patches
    • nogil: working again on a compatibility with PEP703
      • locking mechanism for our modules.
    • Typing adjustments, we need '/' in our signatures due to not having keywords parameters.