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#REDIRECT [[PySide2]]
[[Category:Qt for Python]]
==Qt for Python==
[[File:Qtforpython2023.png|thumb|left|Qt for Python official logo.]] The '''[https://www.qt.io/qt-for-python Qt for Python]''' project aims to provide a complete port of the [[PySide]] module to Qt. The development started on [https://github.com/PySide GitHub] in May 2015. The project managed to port PySide to Qt 5.3, 5.4 & 5.5. During April 2016 The Qt Company decided to properly support the port (see [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pyside-dev/pqwzngAGLWE details] ).
The module was released mid June 2018 as a Technical Preview (supporting Qt 5.11),
and it was officially released without the Technical Preview tag, in December 2018 for Qt 5.12.
In December 2020, the module was released for Qt6, which is the latest available version, which has the following differences:
*It doesn't support Python 2.7,
*Dropped support for Python 3.5, keeping 3.6+ only until PySide 6.3
*PySide 6.4 is the first version that supports Python 3.7+
This wiki page tracks the progress of the '''Qt for Python''' project development and provides further information concerning the effort.
'''Qt for Python''' is available under [https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-lesser-general-public-license-v3-(lgpl-3) LGPLv3]/[https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v2 GPLv2] and [https://www.qt.io/download commercial license] for the following platforms:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| - |
! colspan="3" style="background: #aec6cf;text-align: center;" |Linux
! colspan="3" style="background: #aec6cf;text-align: center;" |macOS
! colspan="2" style="background: #aec6cf;text-align: center;" |Windows
| |
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |i386
| style="background: #ffb347;text-align: center;" |amd64
| style="background: #ffb347;text-align: center;" |arm64
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |32bit
| style="background: #ffb347;text-align: center;" |64bit
| style="background: #ffb347;text-align: center;" |Apple Silicon
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |32bit
| style="background: #ffb347;text-align: center;" |64bit
| style="background: #aec6cf;text-align: center;" |'''Python 3.7+'''
| style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" |✸
| style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #f76300;text-align: center;" |⁜
| style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" |✸
| style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" |
| style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" |⦿
| style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" |✸
| style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" |✦
*<nowiki>⁜</nowiki> Partially supported via cross compilation
*<nowiki>✸</nowiki> No Qt Support https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/supported-platforms.html
*<nowiki>☆</nowiki> Not supported / No packages
*<nowiki>⦿</nowiki> Supported from 6.2.2 / Can be built from source
*<nowiki>✦</nowiki>: 5.14 is the first version to support Python 3.8, but Python 3.8.0 will not work on Windows. Please use '''Python 3.8.1''' or greater.
*'''Please notice''' that iOS, and WebAssembly are not supported yet.
'''Get PySide6 via pip by running:''' <span style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: normal;background-color: #eaeaea;padding: 2px 4px;color: black;border-radius: 2px;display: inline;">pip install pyside6</span>
[[File:Pyside6 install.gif]]
===What does it look like?===
{| class="wikitable"
<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line="line">
import sys
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    label = QLabel("Hello World", alignment=Qt.Alignment.AlignCenter)
[[File:2020-12-16-101334 305x245 scrot.png]]
More examples can be found in the [http://code.qt.io/cgit/pyside/pyside-setup.git/tree/examples project's repository] inside the '''examples''' directory.
=== Python compatibility matrix ===
{| class="wikitable"
!                                                              !! 2.7 !! 3.5 !! 3.6 !! 3.7 !! 3.8 !! 3.9 !! 3.10 !! 3.11 !! 3.12 !! 3.13 !! 3.14
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" | 5.15.0    || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" | 5.15.1-7  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" | 5.15.8    || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" | 5.15.9-10  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" | 5.15.11-15 || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.0.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.1.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.2.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.3.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.4.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" |  x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.5.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.6.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.7.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
| style="background: #fdfd96;text-align: center;" |  6.8.x    || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o  || style="background: #77dd77;text-align: center;" | o || style="background: #ffaa00;text-align: center;" | o || style="background: #ff6961;text-align: center;" | x
<span style="background:#ffaa00">&nbsp;&nbsp;o&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> Free Threaded Python is not fully supported.
==Getting Started==
*Refer to the [https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/ '''official documentation'''] over the wiki for guides on getting started, tutorials, and more!.
*[https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython-6/gettingstarted/index.html Getting started] | [[Qt_for_Python/GettingStarted|wiki]]: download, build and install instructions.
*[https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/tutorials/portingguide/index.html Porting docs] | [[Qt_for_Python/Porting_guide|wiki]]: Porting an existing Qt/C++ application to Qt/Python the porting process.
*[https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/tutorials/index.html Tutorials] | [[Qt_for_Python/Tutorial|wiki]]: get started developing PySide applications.
*[https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/shiboken6/ Shiboken] | [[Qt_for_Python/Shiboken|wiki]]: general information about the Python binding generator.
*[[Qt_for_Python/Development_Getting_Started|Development: Getting started]]: guidelines to start contributing to the project.
*[[Qt_for_Python/Considerations| Considerations and known issues]]
*[[Qt_for_Python/Reporting_Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]: report any issue related PySide6 or Shiboken6.
*[http://code.qt.io/cgit/pyside/pyside-setup.git/ Git repository (Code review)] (dev branch is the branch currently worked on for PySide6) and [https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/q/project:%255Epyside.%252B,n,z PySide6 open patches]
*[http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/pyside Official Mailing list]
*Qt Forum: [https://forum.qt.io/category/58/qt-for-python Qt for Python Subcategory]
*[[Qt_for_Python/Suggestions|Have an idea? share it with us!]]
The following '''chat platforms''' are connected via a bridge, so independent of the one you join, you will get the messages from the other ones.
*Official '''IRC channel''' on [https://libera.chat/ Libera.chat] '''#qt-pyside'''
*Gitter: [http://gitter.im/PySide/pyside2 gitter.im/PySide/pyside2] (even if the url contains 'pyside2' it includes 'pyside6' discussion as well)
*Matrix/Riot: [https://webchat.kde.org/#/room/#qt-pyside:kde.org #qt-pyside:kde.org]
*Telegram Group: [https://t.me/qtforpython Qt for Python]
==Development Status==
*[[Qt_for_Python_Development_Notes|Development Notes by date]]: the summary of the development progress.
*'''Qt for Python Development Progress Notes''' The most current view of the progress can be found in Jira: [https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=17825 Unresolved issues] and [https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=18025 All issues (including resolved)]. The second link is useful to monitor the progress of the backlog. The best way to achieve this is to sort the list by the "Updated" column. Larger backlog/feature items are filed as "User Stories" in Jira.
*[[Qt_for_Python_Missing_Bindings|Missing PySide6 bindings]]: the list of the current missing bindings.
==Contributing to the Qt for Python Wiki==
This Wiki is a community area where you can easily contribute, and which may contain rapidly changing information.
Please put any wiki pages related to Qt for Python into the "QtForPython" category by adding the following text to the top of the page:
[[Category:Qt for Python]]
When creating a new wiki page, please start the name with the prefix "Qt_for_Python/", so all the wiki page names will have the same structure and breadcrumbs are generated for easier navigation.

Latest revision as of 08:28, 20 February 2025

En Ar Bg De El Es Fa Fi Fr Hi Hu It Ja Kn Ko Ms Nl Pl Pt Ru Sq Th Tr Uk Zh

Qt for Python

Qt for Python official logo.

The Qt for Python project aims to provide a complete port of the PySide module to Qt. The development started on GitHub in May 2015. The project managed to port PySide to Qt 5.3, 5.4 & 5.5. During April 2016 The Qt Company decided to properly support the port (see details ).

The module was released mid June 2018 as a Technical Preview (supporting Qt 5.11), and it was officially released without the Technical Preview tag, in December 2018 for Qt 5.12. In December 2020, the module was released for Qt6, which is the latest available version, which has the following differences:

  • It doesn't support Python 2.7,
  • Dropped support for Python 3.5, keeping 3.6+ only until PySide 6.3
  • PySide 6.4 is the first version that supports Python 3.7+

This wiki page tracks the progress of the Qt for Python project development and provides further information concerning the effort.

Qt for Python is available under LGPLv3/GPLv2 and commercial license for the following platforms:

Linux macOS Windows
i386 amd64 arm64 32bit 64bit Apple Silicon 32bit 64bit
Python 3.7+ ⦿
  • ⁜ Partially supported via cross compilation
  • ✸ No Qt Support https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/supported-platforms.html
  • ☆ Not supported / No packages
  • ⦿ Supported from 6.2.2 / Can be built from source
  • ✦: 5.14 is the first version to support Python 3.8, but Python 3.8.0 will not work on Windows. Please use Python 3.8.1 or greater.
  • Please notice that iOS, and WebAssembly are not supported yet.

Get PySide6 via pip by running: pip install pyside6

Pyside6 install.gif

What does it look like?

Code Application
import sys
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    label = QLabel("Hello World", alignment=Qt.Alignment.AlignCenter)

2020-12-16-101334 305x245 scrot.png

More examples can be found in the project's repository inside the examples directory.

Python compatibility matrix

2.7 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14
5.15.0 o o o o o x x x x x x
5.15.1-7 o o o o o o x x x x x
5.15.8 o o o o o o o x x x x
5.15.9-10 x o o o o o o x x x x
5.15.11-15 x x o o o o o o x x x
6.0.x x x o o o o x x x x x
6.1.x x x o o o o x x x x x
6.2.x x x o o o o o x x x x
6.3.x x x o o o o o x x x x
6.4.x x x x o o o o o x x x
6.5.x x x x o o o o o x x x
6.6.x x x x x o o o o o x x
6.7.x x x x x x o o o o x x
6.8.x x x x x x o o o o o x

  o   Free Threaded Python is not fully supported.

Getting Started


The following chat platforms are connected via a bridge, so independent of the one you join, you will get the messages from the other ones.

Development Status

  • Development Notes by date: the summary of the development progress.
  • Qt for Python Development Progress Notes The most current view of the progress can be found in Jira: Unresolved issues and All issues (including resolved). The second link is useful to monitor the progress of the backlog. The best way to achieve this is to sort the list by the "Updated" column. Larger backlog/feature items are filed as "User Stories" in Jira.
  • Missing PySide6 bindings: the list of the current missing bindings.

Contributing to the Qt for Python Wiki

This Wiki is a community area where you can easily contribute, and which may contain rapidly changing information. Please put any wiki pages related to Qt for Python into the "QtForPython" category by adding the following text to the top of the page: [[Category:Qt for Python]]

When creating a new wiki page, please start the name with the prefix "Qt_for_Python/", so all the wiki page names will have the same structure and breadcrumbs are generated for easier navigation.