Weather Demo

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Weather Demo App



This demo simulates a weather forecast view and has a more complex application logic. All the app elements are separated into QtQuick components and they can be reused as many times as needed. This demonstrates how flexible a QtQuick app can be.

This app uses two ListViews and lots of components that form each list item. Its structure looks like "RadioTuner's":, but it is a bit more organized. All weather components and elements are inside the forecast folder. Each type of weather (Fog, Cloudy, Storm …) inherits ForecastView that is an Item flexible enough to accept different background images or different city labels.

The next step on this app would be try to load real data on it. Instead of using the fixed ListModel you could load the Yahoo! Weather XML, for example, and organize the data to create the same list, but using real cities and real forecast. This could be a good exercise for a QtQuick learner.


Source code



NOTE: Installing this Qt Quick demo app on your Symbian^3 device will also install a beta version of Qt 4.7.1 which may cause the Ovi Store client or other Qt-based applications to fail. Until we update the apps with Qt 4.7.2 we advise you to not use your personal phone.

If you have installed the Qt Quick demo apps and consequently Qt 4.7.1 onto your device and want to uninstall the apps and downgrade Qt follow these instructions.