Qt Quick Components
Qt Quick Components
Note: page still under construction
This project is to create QML UI components to ease application UI development in QML. It has the following goals:
* desktop & touch UI components
* easily styled for utmost visual flexibility
* desktop components have native look and feel
It is designed to serve as a reference platform for developers, incorporating good practices like accessibility support from the start.
Recent News
The current goal is to have a set of UI Components for Desktop ready for the Qt 5.1 release. This means feature freeze by end of February 2013.
As there already are several platform specific Qt Quick UI Component sets out there, we would like to make sure the new set of cross-platform UI Components take into consideration the thoughts and work already done in the various projects, and to take previous API naming choices into consideration.
Below you can (at the moment 'will') find an overview of the different APIs, and a summary of the discussions around them.
History and Related Projects
The ongoing work is building on the "Desktop Components" project that originally started as a proof of concept of what is possible to achieve with Qt Quick.
There are several UI Component sets made with Qt Quick that already are available. These are however all mobile platform specific:
* MeeGo UI Components
* Cascades by RIM
* Ubuntu User Interface Toolkit
* Jolla UI Components
* Symbian UI Components
* Plasma UI Components by KDE
* —
The UI Components
The goal is to make a set of UI Components that work on both desktop and touch platforms, but in the first round to focus on desktop. The reason for this being to make it easier to port current QWidget-based applications to Qt Quick.
We however see that many UI Components make sense on both Desktop and Touch, and the goal will be to make the UI Components available on all platforms Qt runs on.
The UI Components will have native look and feel for the desktop platforms that Qt supports. But it is also possible to implement ones own style.
Project Details
Getting & Building Source Code
See QtDesktopComponents for instructions
Usage & Viewing Examples
Bug tracking
Please report any bugs found in <bug tracker>. We encourage attaching a simple qml file to the bug report which displays the problem.
Collaborating with us
Mail: "qt-componentsqt.io Mailing List":http://lists.qt.io/mailman/listinfo/qt-components
IRC: "#qt-quick on Freenode":irc://irc.freenode.net/#qt-quick
(For a full list of IRC channels of interest to Qt developers, see "OnlineCommunities":http://wiki.qt.io/OnlineCommunities.)
Component APIs
Below is a table [under construction] of components identified within scope of this project, and their individual development status.
For reference, see the overview of the component names used for other projects, and their property comparisons.
{background:#009900}. |. Component |. Summary |_. Status |
| Button| Simple Push Button | |
| ToolButton | | |
| Checkbox | Button with checked property | |
| Slider | | |
| ProgressBar | | |
| TextField | Single line text input box | |
| TextArea | Multi-line text input box | |
| RadioButton | | |
| ButtonRow | | |
| Menu | | |
| ContextMenu | | |
| ToolBar | | |
| StatusBar | | |
| Switch | | |
| BusyIndicator | UI element to indicate something is happening | |
| Page | | |
| PageStack | | |
| ApplicationWindow | | |
| SectionScroller | List lookup / alphabet scroller API | |
| ScrollArea | Flickable/viewport with built-in decoration and scroll bar controls | |
| ScrollDecorator | | |
| Label | Text element | |
| TabFrame /TabGroup | | |
| TabBar | Row of Tabs | |
| Icon | | |
| Calendar | Provides a way to select dates from a calendar | Under development "[1]":https://codereview.qt.io/#change,44899 "[2]":http://lists.qt.io/pipermail/qt-components/2013-January/000147.html |
API Development Process
- Add information about current existing APIs to overview of the component names used for other projects
- Discussions to happen on "mailing list":http://lists.qt.io/mailman/listinfo/qt-components.
- Try to follow Qt naming convention if unsure.
Other component libraries
There are several existing open source component implementations out there. See QtQuickOpenComponents for a list of those.
Initial Project Description: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCOMPONENTS-72
Initial Desktop Components Spec: https://bugreports.qt.io//browse/QTCOMPONENTS-200
[Nokia] Desktop Components for Qt5:
[INdT] Components work: