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Qt Contributor's Summit sponsorship

See also Our sponsors.

Meet more than 500 top developers and contributors who makes Qt, used by 500,000 developers worldwide for developing powerful, interactive and platform-independent applications. The Summit is the key place to influence the development of Qt.

The key benefits of sponsoring the joint Qt CS and KDE Akademy conference are:

  • Meeting key Qt and KDE contributors. There will be 500 upstream and downstream developers and key maintainers, making Qt the top ranked framework in developer satisfaction1.
  • Influence how Qt will be developed in the future. Besides the Qt community, many other free software projects and businesses participates at the joint Qt summit and KDE conference.
  • Be visible and recruit. A sponsorship gives you valuable promotional possibilities such as visible advertising, prominent talks, and international press coverage.

1. Cross Platform Tools 2012 [slideshare.net] by VisionMobile surveying 2,400 developers.

For the Qt Contributor Summit, the sponsorship packages range from Small to XL where sponsors are able to showcase their Qt commitment in front of a knowledgeable, enthusiastic and motivated ecosystem via a variety of sponsor benefits solidifying their stance as active contributors and advocates of the Qt technology.

All companies interested in the development of Qt and the health of the Qt Project are encouraged to contribute to the event budget itself. The Qt Contributor's Summit issolely dependent on sponsorship to succeed.

The deadline for accepting sponsors is May 30, 2013. After that we will start producing the printed materials.

The casual, but hopefully, effective approach we are taking for this Qt Project community event, is to share the budget information between potential sponsors. This is co-handled with the KDE e.V foundation. This way, expenses and plans are governed in an open process. Also, any surplus from the Qt CS sponsorship will be used for Qt-relevant community events going forward.

Qt CS sponsorship packages

There is a "Sponsorship packages" sheet below where the 4 sponsorship levels are described. It goes from S to XL, from 1.500€ up to 15,000 €.

Qt CS sponsorship pakages XL L M S
Logo & blurb on website X X X X Size & position according to level
Logo on reception roll-up X X X X Size & position according to level
Logo in main room banners X X X Size & position according to level
Logo on facade banner X X X Size & position according to level
Mention in opening session X X X X Size & position according to level
2' pitch during first morning X
2' pitch in opening sessions X
Mention at Monday evening party X
Logo on badge / lanyard X
participants invited 8 4 2 1 In addition to contributors accepted by own merits
€15,000 €7,000 €3,000 €1,500

Joint Qt CS and KDE Akademy sponsorship packages

Sponsorship packages can give you invitations to the event. This is also a way for corporate Qt users (but not contributors at this point) to get one or more passes, supporting the event at the same time.

Combined package Qt CS and Akademy 2013 Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Logo & company description on QtCS and Akademy websites X X X X
Logo on Monday party roll-up X X X
Thank you-mention in the opening session X X X X
2' pitch in opening session X
2' pitch during the first morning X
Thank you-mention at Monday evening party X
Logo and badge/lanyard X
Participants invited 8 4 2 1
Cost 35,000€ 17,500€ 7,000€ 3,000€


We are expecting a budget of around 60.000€ for 500 participants, including venue, two lunches, dinner and an evening event over two days. This is based on numbers from Qt CS in 2011 and 2012, and the fact that we received some cost savings because of all the help we got from the KDE Akademy volunteer organizers. We are talking roughly about 53.000€ fixed costs, plus a flexible additional budget for sponsoring travel costs for some of the volunteers and independent / non-###### developers. If you have suggestions to improve the budget or the packages, please let us know by contacting the qt project marketing mailinglist. As you see, your role for this event is more of a community participant than a simple sponsor.

If you are interested in sponsoring, Knut Yrvin (joint event organizer) can give you access to the Qt Contributors Summit budget. We welcome your questions and suggestions.

Thank you very much for your interest in supporting the 2013 Qt Contributor's Summit!