Receiving signals with arguments in QML from C++: Difference between revisions

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The example code below shows how you can receive signals with arguments in QML from C++. The important thing to notice in the example is that the signal's argument needs to be named identically in QML and in C++. So in this example it needs to be referred to as "text" both places, otherwise you will receive errors.
The example code below shows how you can receive signals with arguments in QML from C++. The important thing to notice in the example is that the signal's argument needs to be named identically in QML and in C++. So in this example it needs to be referred to as "text" both places, otherwise you will receive errors.

Latest revision as of 13:07, 28 November 2016

IMPORTANT: The content of this page is outdated. Reason: Qt Quick 1
If you have checked or updated this page and found the content to be suitable, please remove this notice.

The example code below shows how you can receive signals with arguments in QML from C++. The important thing to notice in the example is that the signal's argument needs to be named identically in QML and in C++. So in this example it needs to be referred to as "text" both places, otherwise you will receive errors.


#include <QtGui>
#include <QtDeclarative>

class Person : public QObject
 Q_INVOKABLE void triggerEvent(QString text) {
  emit somethingHappened(text);
 Person() {
 void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *e) {
  QString text = "The text";
 void somethingHappened(QString text);

#include "main.moc"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
 QApplication app(argc, argv);
 qmlRegisterType<Person>("People", 1, 0, "Person");
 QDeclarativeView view;
 return app.exec();


import People 1.0
import QtQuick 1.0

Person {
 id: myPerson
 onSomethingHappened: {
  console.log(" something happened " +text);