Qt Creator ManualTests DebuggerLldb
Test 1
Tests using tests/manual/debugger/simple/simple.pro from Qt Creator's source repository
Test | Result | Annotation |
Create new project. Can you build, run and debug it? | automated | |
Set breakpoint, press F5 / Cmd + Y to build and run debugger, verify that program stops at a breakpoint that you set:
"Step into" a couple of times. Can you step into Qt source code (*.cpp file under QTDIR)?
Mac: switch on 'Use Debug Versions of Frameworks' in run configuration. You need Qt sources. If using an online installer Qt, after installing the sources via the maintenance tool, make sure to map the CI sources to local sources in Qt Creator Preferences -> Debugger -> General -> click Add Qt Sources... button -> select ~/Dev/qt/6.x.y/Src directory -> Save preferences |
Test debugging helpers/python lldb: Do classes like QImage or std::string show beautiful information instead of the raw structure?
To view the QImage as an image, right-click the QImage row in the locals -> Change Value Display Format -> Change display "Separate Window" -> expand the image row in the locals -> a new window should appear with the image contents |
automated | |
Step through some (not all) test* functions and check whether the displayed data looks correct | The code contains comments with the expected displayed data. These are meant for semi-automatic runs and might differ from what you see. Use your own judgement what's correct and what's not. | |
Comment out the return statement inside the following functions one by one. Check whether you'll end up with a proper stack trace & locals display.
Test a breakpoint in a QThread:
Switch on temporarily 'Operate by Instruction' (small icon above the stack trace) and check whether you see disassembler output and can step by instruction |
Tests using tests/manual/debugger/cli-io/cli-io.pro from Qt Creator's source repository
Test | Result | Annotation |
Check I/O (qDebug, std::cout, std::cerr) | ||
Check "Run in Terminal". Use Terminal for input. Note that without "Run In Terminal" stdin won't work, the Application Output pane can't receive input. So it acts as if input was already given. | ||
Check nothing bad happens on a simple int main() {} program with no breakpoints set | automated |
Test 2
Tests using tests/manual/debugger/gui/gui.pro from Qt Creator's source repository
Test | Result | Annotation |
Test unusual situations: Kill X 'externally' while debugging (both in a 'running' and 'stopped' state), where X is
Test | Result | Annotation |
Run the project without checking "Run as root user" on the run settings page.
Debug the project without checking "Run as root user" on the run settings page.
Run the project with checking "Run as root user" on the run settings page.
Debug the project with checking "Run as root user" on the run settings page.
Is entering invalid credentials handled correctly? |