How many Functions in Qt

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How many functions are there in Qt?

For Qt 4.5.1, on Linux:

# This script gives an approximation only!
cd /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.1/lib;
for thing in QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtScript QtScriptTools QtSql QtSvg QtWebKit QtXml QtXmlPatterns phonon Qt3Support QtTest QtDBus; do
 printf 's: ' "$thing";
 nm -D lib$ | grep ' T _ZN' | egrep -v '11qt_metaca[sl][tl]' | wc -l;
 phonon: 424
 Qt3Support: 4744
 QtCore: 2798
 QtDBus: 274
 QtGui: 10272
 QtNetwork: 879
 QtOpenGL: 238
 QtScript: 312
 QtScriptTools: 17
 QtSql: 400
 QtSvg: 114
 QtTest: 62
 QtWebKit: 329
 QtXml: 421
 QtXmlPatterns: 190
 TOTAL: 21474

About twenty-one thousand.

This data includes functions with C++ linkage exported from the Qt libraries.

It deliberately excludes:

  • "tool" modules- QtDesigner, QtUiTools, QtHelp and QtAssistant
  • inline functions
  • functions which are not exported (e.g. in private classes)
  • functions with C linkage, i.e. `extern "C"`
  • qt_metacall and qt_metacast