New Features in Qt 5.13

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Revision as of 13:35, 4 February 2019 by Mikhail Svetkin (talk | contribs)
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Note that this list should be considered as work in progress until the first Beta release.

New Features (within existing modules)

  • Qt Core
    • Clang: New configure switch -coverage which is useful for fuzzing
  • Qt GUI
    • Add QImage::convertTo new API (convert a image in place)
  • Qt Network
  • Qt QML
    • Improved support for enums declared in C++.
    • JavaScript "null" as binding value is now optimized at compile time (QTBUG-72098).
    • QML now generates function tables on 64bit windows, making it possible to unwind the stack through JITed functions (QTBUG-50061).
  • Qt Quick
    • Added support to TableView for hiding rows and columns
  • Qt Quick Controls 2
    • Added SplitView.
    • Added cache property to icon.
  • Qt Labs Platform
  • Qt Bluetooth
    • Removed need for pairing on Windows to discover and connect
  • Qt 3D
  • Qt Wayland Compositor
    • New client buffer integration for linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1 support. Qt clients already had support through the wayland-egl integration.
    • Support for the wp_viewporter protocol.
  • Qt WebEngine
    • Application-local client certificate store
    • Client certificate support from QML
  • Qt Websockets
  • Qt Location
    • Added support for GeoPolygons with holes, reflected in MapPolygons and MapPolygonObjects
    • Introduced interoperability with GeoJson with import/export functionality
  • Qt Test

New Modules

Platform Changes

  • Android
    • Android 5.0 (API level 21) is now the minimum supported version.
  • Wayland
    • New shell integration for fullscreen-shell-unstable-v1.

Technology Preview Modules

  • Qt Lottie (TP)

New Platforms

  • Qt for WebAssembly

Qt for Automation

  • Qt KNX
    • Secure client API added
  • Qt OPC UA
    • C++ API out of TP
    • Added QML API (TP)
    • Added secure client C++ API (TP)
    • UaCpp and Open62542 backend are feature equal
  • Qt COAP (TP)
    • DTLS support merged

Deprecated Modules

The following modules are part of Qt 5.12 release, but deprecated and considered for removal in subsequent releases of Qt:

  • Qt Script
  • Qt Quick Controls 1

Removed Modules

The following modules have been deprecated earlier and no longer part of the Qt 5.13 release:

  • Qt Canvas 3D


Release Information [edit]
Qt Version Overview Tools and Versions New Features Changes Known Issues
Qt 6.7 Qt 6.7 Release Qt 6.7 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.7 Qt 6.7.0 Release Note Qt 6.7 Known Issues
Qt 6.6 Qt 6.6 Release Qt 6.6 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.6 Qt 6.6.0 Release NoteQt 6.6.1 Release NoteQt 6.6.2 ReleaseQt 6.6.3 Release Qt 6.6 Known Issues
Qt 6.5 Qt 6.5 Release Qt 6.5 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.5 Qt 6.5.0 Release NoteQt 6.5.1 Release NoteQt 6.5.2 Release NoteQt 6.5.3 Release Note Qt 6.5 Known Issues
Qt 6.4 Qt 6.4 Release Qt 6.4 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.4 Qt 6.4.0 Release NoteQt 6.4.1 Release NoteQt 6.4.2 Release NoteQt 6.4.3 Release Note Qt 6.4 Known Issues
Qt 6.3 Qt 6.3 Release Qt 6.3 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.3 Qt 6.3.0 Release NoteQt 6.3.1 Release Note Qt 6.3 Known Issues
Qt 6.2 Qt 6.2 Release Qt 6.2 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.2 Qt 6.2.0 Release NoteQt 6.2.1 Release NoteQt 6.2.2 Release Note Qt 6.2 Known Issues
Qt 6.1 Qt 6.1 Release Qt 6.1 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.1 Qt 6.1.0 Release NoteQt 6.1.1 Release NoteQt 6.1.2 Release NoteQt 6.1.3 Release Note Qt 6.1.0 Known IssuesQt 6.1.1 Known issues in release noteQt 6.1.2 Known issues in release noteQt 6.1.3 Known issues in release note
Qt 6.0 Qt 6.0 Release Qt 6.0 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 6.0 Qt 6.0.0 Change FilesQt 6.0.1 Release NoteQt 6.0.2 Release NoteQt 6.0.3 Release NoteQt 6.0.4 Release Note Qt 6.0.0 Known IssuesQt 6.0.1 Known IssuesQt 6.0.2 Known IssuesQt 6.0.3 Known IssuesQt 6.0.4 Known Issues
Qt 5.15 Qt 5.15 Release Qt 5.15 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.15 Qt 5.15.0 Change FilesQt 5.15.1 Change FilesQt 5.15.2 Change Files Qt 5.15.0 Known IssuesQt 5.15.1 Known IssuesQt 5.15.2 Known IssuesQt 5.15.4 Known Issues
Qt 5.14 Qt 5.14 Release Qt 5.14 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.14 Qt 5.14.0 Change FilesQt 5.14.1 Change FilesQt 5.14.2 Change Files Qt 5.14.0 Known IssuesQt 5.14.1 Known IssuesQt 5.14.2 Known Issues
Qt 5.13 Qt 5.13 Release Qt 5.13 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.13 Qt 5.13.0 Change FilesQt 5.13.1 Change FilesQt 5.13.2 Change Files Qt 5.13.0 Known IssuesQt 5.13.1 Known IssuesQt 5.13.2 Known Issues
Qt 5.12 Qt 5.12 Release Qt 5.12 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.12 Qt 5.12.0 Change FilesQt 5.12.1 Change FilesQt 5.12.2 Change FilesQt 5.12.3 Change FilesQt 5.12.4 Change FilesQt 5.12.5 Change FilesQt 5.12.6 Change FilesQt 5.12.7 Change FilesQt 5.12.8 Change FilesQt 5.12.9 Change FilesQt 5.12.10 Change FilesQt 5.12.11 Release NoteQt 5.12.12 Release Note Qt 5.12.0 Known IssuesQt 5.12.1 Known IssuesQt 5.12.2 Known IssuesQt 5.12.3 Known IssuesQt 5.12.4 Known IssuesQt 5.12.5 Known IssuesQt 5.12.6 Known IssuesQt 5.12.7 Known IssuesQt 5.12.8 Known IssuesQt 5.12.9 Known IssuesQt 5.12.10 Known IssuesQt 5.12.11 Known issues in release noteQt 5.12.12 Known issues in release note
Qt 5.11 Qt 5.11 Release Qt 5.11 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.11 Qt 5.11.0Qt 5.11.1Qt 5.11.2 Change FilesQt 5.11.3 Change Files Qt 5.11.0Qt 5.11.1Qt 5.11.2 Known IssuesQt 5.11.3 Known Issues
Qt 5.10 Qt 5.10 Release Qt 5.10 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.10 Qt 5.10.0Qt 5.10.1 Change Files Qt 5.10.0Qt 5.10.1 Known Issues
Qt 5.9 Qt 5.9 Release Qt 5.9 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.9 Qt 5.9.0Qt 5.9.1Qt 5.9.2Qt 5.9.3Qt 5.9.4Qt 5.9.5Qt 5.9.6 Change FilesQt 5.9.7 Change FilesQt 5.9.8 Change FilesQt 5.9.9 Change Files Qt 5.9.0Qt 5.9.1Qt 5.9.2Qt 5.9.3Qt 5.9.4Qt 5.9.5Qt 5.9.6 Known IssuesQt 5.9.7 Known IssuesQt 5.9.8 Known IssuesQt 5.9.9 Known Issues
Qt 5.8 Qt 5.8 Release Qt 5.8 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.8 Qt 5.8.0 Change Files Qt 5.8.0 Known Issues
Qt 5.7 Qt 5.7 Release Qt 5.7 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.7 Qt 5.7.0Qt 5.7.1 Change Files Qt 5.7.0Qt 5.7.1 Known Issues
Qt 5.6 Qt 5.6 Release Qt 5.6 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.6 Qt 5.6.0Qt 5.6.1Qt 5.6.2Qt 5.6.3 Change Files Qt 5.6.0Qt 5.6.1Qt 5.6.2Qt 5.6.3 Known Issues
Qt 5.5 Qt 5.5 Release Qt 5.5 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.5 Qt 5.5.0Qt 5.5.1 Change Files Qt 5.5.0Qt 5.5.1 Known Issues
Qt 5.4 Qt 5.4 Release Qt 5.4 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.4 Qt 5.4.0Qt 5.4.1Qt 5.4.2 Change Files Qt 5.4.0Qt 5.4.1Qt 5.4.2 Known Issues
Qt 5.3 Qt 5.3 Release Qt 5.3 Tools and Versions New Features in Qt 5.3 Qt 5.3.0Qt 5.3.1Qt 5.3.2 Change Files Qt 5.3.0 Beta 1Qt 5.3.0 RC 1
Qt 5.3.0Qt 5.3.1Qt 5.3.2 Known Issues
Qt 5.2 Qt 5.2 Release New Features in Qt 5.2 Qt 5.2.0Qt 5.2.1 Change Files Qt 5.2.0 Beta 1Qt 5.2.0 RC 1
Qt 5.2.0Qt 5.2.1 Known Issues
Qt 5.1 Qt 5.1 Release New Features in Qt 5.1 Qt 5.1.0 Change Files Qt 5.1.0 Beta 1Qt 5.1.0 RC 1
Qt 5.1.0Qt 5.1.1 Known Issues
Qt 5.0 Qt 5.0.0Qt 5.0.1 Release New Features in Qt 5.0 Qt 5.0 Changes Qt 5.0.0 Beta 1Qt 5.0.0 Beta 2Qt 5.0.0 RC 1Qt 5.0.0 RC 2
Qt 5.0.0Qt 5.0.1Qt 5.0.2 Known Issues